[ct] 58.3 - peace

Mar 26, 2009 11:35

Anyone that says the perfect couple shares a connection is insane. I’m talking about all the time, being eternally bound heart and soul to another human being. It’s crap, a big steaming pile of it.

Being with Zee’s never been that way for me…we’re at odds a lot. We fought, we clashed, we didn’t agree on a lot. Sure, the stuff that counts, the stuff that brought us together, but we didn’t work ‘cause we shared some sorta perfect bond. We worked hard to make things work, but in between we had…moments.

Sometimes it was a fraction of an instant, sometimes it was a chance encounter in bed that we’d draw out, laying there as our eyes met and just basking. It was a moment where the power of what we had washed over us, the intensity of this perfect, shining thing we felt carving a moment out of time that only we could fill. We felt it, we accepted it…and we understood the power of loving each other.

There’s a great deal of peace in the perfect comprehension of being imperfect. Half of a person, a tiny part in something great and beautiful, it’s a humbling and addictive experience. That’s why love works: you start jonesing for the high of being complete.

Love is completion, peace, but it’s not a constant thing. It’s moments carved out of time, places in the fabric of existence that belong to us and us alone. We have each other only as long as we live, and we have our memories until our minds fade, but those pieces of reality itself?

Those belong to us forever.

Muse: Tommy Karras
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 273
Partner: Ziyah Ambrogio (zee_ali) Highlander OC

who - zee, verse - master's son, from - couples therapy

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