[c-muses] 12 - IT ALL ENDS TONIGHT - All American Rejects

Mar 25, 2009 10:04

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight.


In the scattered shadows of the city, he feels a storm brewing.

The Darkness doesn’t toe the line anymore, but random violence still plagues his streets, evil he takes it upon himself to bring to the law’s front door or dispatch on his own. These are the cases Catherine and her team never see, the brutality and death he averts by shining light where it’s needed…banishing the night that calls to him.

It’s the dark that spawns his visions, and the dark brings forth a sense of things to come. The waters are muddy, clouded and dim, but still the light shines. His body is battered and weak, his soul is bruised and aching yet somewhere in the haze he can feel the heat of the sun to ease his sore muscles and soothe his troubled thoughts. There’s comfort coming, but it’s all in the dark.

He doesn’t understand it, not even knowing that she’s out there. Her life is background noise now, a hole he’s learning to fill now that he understands the nature of his loss. He can’t figure out why the night promises him salvation now, free of The Darkness and all its Faces.

Bringers can’t touch him, vampires cower before him. His Titan soul made him a prisoner, but he feels free for the first time in months with no sign of an open door. He can’t explain it, he can’t fight it…he can only feel his pulse quicken and his heart lift when he stares into a black corner of a filthy alley and see promise there.

There’s a future in the deep and endless shade, warmth in that blanket waiting to wrap around him like a lover’s arms. He can almost feel it spilling against his cheek, finding the contours of his body with a strength and security that will keep him upright when he can no longer stand…

It hits him then, in the middle of fighting a vampire behind the Hooters casino. He gets flung on his back, crushed by the immense strength and weight of the larger creature that was once a man.

Red rage becomes pain as fangs sink into his neck, nails biting his jaw hard enough to break the skin as his head is yanked back to give the monster room. He gets a mouthful, maybe two before Tommy lets out a howl and fills the alley with sunlight at two AM.

A stake appears from nothing in his hand. He drives it up into the vampire’s heart, but he’s not sure if it’s that or the blinding instant of dawn that turns the creature to dust. As the cloud settles, covering him in filth, he understands what the night is trying to show him…he understands the nature of the storm.

It’s not coming…it’s ending. Now.

It all ends tonight.

Muse: Tommy Karras
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 472

plot - the end, what - fraternity of light, fraternity - battle, from - the muses stage

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