May have done this before, but I'm Bee's personal sheep.

Mar 02, 2009 19:06

1. When you are getting physical with someone, do you prefer to be dominant or submissive? Isn't that kinda personal? Well, if I gotta answer... I don't have much give in the bedroom. I'm not exactly dominant, but I take what I want.

2. With your current razor, do you get a good, clean shave? Pretty much, yeah. Zee used to like a little stubble, though, so...

3. Describe your favorite pair of underwear? Uh...again, kinda personal? I wear boxer briefs. Do with that what you will.

4. What are your thoughts on God? More than one, and the one I need is MIA.

5. Do you prefer vampires or werewolves? Vampires 'cause a stake gets it done.

6. Have you ever been 'hot for teacher?' Not that I can recall.

7. Do you ever watch kids' channels (Nick, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, etc.)? Love Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, but that's it. May's too young for TV.

8. What is your favorite scent as far as perfume/cologne/body spray/whatever you use? I use Stetson cologne, or I did before Zee got pregnant. Made her sick sometimes, I don't wear it much anymore.

9. If you could buy one very expensive item right now, what would it be? If I'm gonna be practical? A new refrigerator. If I'm gonna be self-indulgent? A new necklace, skull design to match the ring Ben gave me.

10. How long is your longest relationship? ...little over a year? Or just about...before she died.

11. How long is your shortest relationship? Four months.

12. Is there a song that reminds you of your significant other? "Dancing In The Moonlight" by Thin Lizzy

13. Are your eyebrows in need of a wax/pluck? I don't do that.

14. How old were you when you started to shave? Fourteen, I think.

15. What is your favorite breed of dog? Considering I now own one? German Shepherd, one sired by Bee's little guy.

16. Was your last kiss long and passionate or short and sweet? Not nearly good enough, since it really was our last.

17. What color is your phone? Chrome.

18. Do you prefer your hair long or short? Long, have since I was about ten and refused to get my hair cut. Mom only let me 'cause I took good care of it.

19. Do you consider yourself smart? I guess.

20. Do you like incense? Sometimes. Patchouli's my fave.

21. Do you know anyone who's mentally ill? Yes.

22. Have you ever written a poem outside of school? Never really wrote poetry.

23. Have you ever sold your old clothes? No, I usually just take them to Goodwill or Salvation Army.

24. Would you consider yourself a poor loser? Without question.

25. Does air travel make you nervous? Not at all. Last life, I was a pilot.

26. Do you like gore films? No.

27. Do you prefer milkshakes or smoothies? Smoothies...unless it's a real ice cream shake and chocolate.

28. Do you know how to properly use chopsticks? Yep.

29. Did you have animal slippers as a young child? No way. I hated shoes even as a kid, slippers included.

30. Do you look good in hats? Mostly.

31. Do you look good in sunglasses? I guess?

32. Do you prefer bright or soft colors? Muted.

33. Do you ever watch indie films? Sure.

34. Are you good at sharing? Sure.

35. Do you get stage fright? Unbearable, but it's better since I regained my memories of my last life.

36. Is there a television show that you look forward to every week? The Kellars got me into LOST, and sometimes I check out Dancing With The Stars to see what Bee's squealin' about.

37. What was the last thing you watched on television? 30 Rock 'cause I was taping a commercial for The Rapture.

38. Has anyone ever been freakishly obsessed with you? God, I hope not...that's me, not Houdini.

39. Do you have a diary/journal? One I don't update nearly as often as I'd like.

40. Would you go into shark infested water in a protective cage? ...maybe.

what - memes & quizzes, tommy - is bored, verse - master's son

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