[ooc] RP icon meme taken from deep_red_bells's illustrious mun

Feb 26, 2009 11:51

First, let's list all of your active characters and their PBs.

Listing MOST active here...

1) Tommy Karras (magic_fratboy // houdini_fanboy // magic_fang_boy) - Criss Angel
2) Nico Contarini (blackstone_jr) - also Criss Angel
3) Cain Callahan (fear_noevil // big_callahan // burning_hard) - Matthew Fox
4) Beth Ann Woodman (morsus_mihi) - Summer Glau
5) Henrietta "Hank" Callahan (hank_callahan // neversee_inside) - Emily Browning
6) Zoe Washburne (holds_together) - Gina Torres
7) John Winchester (winchester_john) - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
8) Artie Jackson (artiejackson) - Richard Belzer
9) Rian Baxter (crusades_r_us) - Sarah Michelle Gellar
10) Spike (follow_my_blood) - James Marsters
11) Mays Ryder (justifymy_ways) - Tony Rombola
12) Valkyrie Steed (not_noble) - Evangeline Lilly
13) Doglas Carter {Elpis, God of Hope} (callme_animal) - Sully Erna

Who is your favorite PB and why? Not that I really need to say, or maybe I do? But probably Criss Angel, and believe it or not it has nothing to do with my love for the man. :P He had a very specific look for a very specific character concept. I think he's the PB I am most happy with for any OC I've ever created.

Do you have a least favorite PB? Not really, no, I like them all. In terms of satisfaction with a PB? Maybe, again, Criss Angel as Nico Contarini. I only use bearded and blonde images for Nico Contarini because I want a real physical similarity between Tommy and his next incarnation, but I really wish I could find a similar looking guy instead of the same one.

Is there anyone you don't use a PB for? Not on this list, nope.

Who was the hardest to pick a PB for? Tie between Tommy and Hank. Tommy gave me some trouble until I happened to remember Criss Angel from TV, and Hank was hard because I had to choose a PB that resembled her father, Cain. My best friend, fortunately, pulled Emily Browning out of the ether when I needed her. :P

Who has your favorite icons? Probably Tommy and Hank together, again. Tommy because Criss has some great images available, and Hank because hers are so expressive and so definitively Hank...not necessarily mine, but icons that really capture her essence and make you see Hank instead of Emily.

Who has the worst icons? Probably Ryder and Annie. Ryder because it's so hard to find good images of Tony Rombola, and Annie because she's a twenty seven year old that looks ten years too young...oh, and all the badass icons of my goofball girl are of Summer as a Terminator. :P

Do you decide to rp characters and then go PB hunting, or do you create characters based off a desire to use a certain PB? I've done both.

Have you ever changed a character's PB midway through playing them? One not on the list, but only out of respect for my best friend and her muse. Mun loves the PB, and muse hates sharing her face. Does that make me insane that I care what muses think? ;p

Seriously though how annoying is it to have to do that? Proving difficult...if I had to do it for any other character, like Tommy or Artie? Yeah, impossible.

Do you make your own icons? Not all of them but yes, I do make quite a few. I don't icon as much as I used to, so I only do it if I have a really pressing need. I make a lot of Tommy's only because Tommy doesn't share Criss's current hair. :P

Have you ever had to Photoshop aspects of a character's look onto icons? Yes. Artie is a vampire so I had to do fangs, and some of my characters like Valkyrie have very specific scars. I've often had to alter Tommy's hair color in some of his icons because he doesn't have the red or blond streaks Criss sometimes wears.

Do you like using popular PBs? I don't really have a preference either way. It's about finding the right look for the character. If it's a popular one, though, I may favor my own icons over using others, just to get some unique looks and facial expressions to set them apart.

If you know a PB is used by other people "around town", does it make you less likely to use them, even if they're perfect? I'd shy away from them if I thought they'd be interacting with others sharing the face, yeah, unless I knew the muns playing them. I have a handful of OC's that have a canon reason for having doubles, but I don't send them looking to meet themselves if you know what I mean. It's only ever really caused problems once IC, never OOC. If I want to use a face someone else has and I know the mun, I talk to them first.

Have you ever felt territorial or protective over a PB? Not really, no, at least not in any extreme fashion. I have a couple of PB's I'm proud of because they're really not used much, Criss Angel and Richard Belzer, but if someone else started using them outside a canon character? Yeah, it'd bug me for about a minute on the great cosmic clock.

Are there any PBs you are seriously sick to death of seeing? Kristen Bell and Sophia Bush, SRSLY. I can count maybe three SB characters that don't bug me seeing her, and two of them are played by the same person. :P

Is there anyone you'd love to PB but can't figure out a character for/just can't find the time to play anyone else/etc? Have to agree with Bee!mun, Nathan Fillion. Nathan = Mal, fo' srs. I also do have a character I'd love to play more with Lance Burton for a PB, but there's no pictures available out there. LITERALLY.

Do you like having misc stock/text icons for your characters? I had some stock ones for Rian, but lost 'em when her paid account ran out.

Do you pick out PBs and icons for NPC characters? Recurring NPC's I usually pick PB's for, but only in my head so I can write them more descriptively. The only NPC's I ever did icons for were an unlisted muse's two children.

What about pets? Tommy has one of him with his cat Hardeen. Rian bugs me sometimes about an icon of her wolf dog, Shadow, but she still doesn't have one.


And now we have some icon specific fields:

Go through all your characters. Pick out your favorite icon. List it. Explain why.

Character journal: magic_fratboy - The hair pulled back so roughly and the tongue peeking out of the mouth are Tommy At Work. It's a really nice shot of quiet, frustrated Tommy that projects some of the forcefulness that shows through when he's working on either his art or his craft.

Character journal: blackstone_jr - Yes, it's cleanshaven!Criss, but the facial expression is nothing at ALL like Tommy, it's purely Nico. He's accepting his due and loving it. It's the one icon in his journal that I'm really truly proud of because it so perfectly captures that disparaging difference between the two men.

Character journal: fearno_evil - It's a typical Cain moment: talking over his shoulder looking pissy while he's doing something else. It's my favorite icon to use from him, the "what the fuck do you want?!" icon. :P

Character journal: morsus_mihi - She's either about to prank your ass and checking to see if you're still home, or she's about to kill some shit. Very versatile, and I like the coloring.

Character journal: hank_callahan - Besides the fact that Bee!mun made it for me, :P, it's a glimpse at the real Hank. She's far quicker to laugh and smile than her dad, but the hand on her face and the way her eyes crinkle, you can just SEE her trying to hold it in and secretly not caring that she's failing miserably.

Character journal: holds_together - Zoe in a slinky dress. We never got to see it on the show, so why the hell not? Hee!

Character journal: winchester_john - John Winchester owns you. And he knows it. What's more? So do you. That is all. :P

Character journal: artiejackson - Ninety years old and still making time with the womenfolk. You can't keep a good flirt down, just ask his wife.

Character journal: crusades_r_us - The coloring's bright and vibrant without being too overwhelming, and it's a classic Rian pose of "Yes, I'm adorable and awesome, thank you for noticing! You're so sweet, let me pet you and give you a cookie. Chocolate chip. Yes, I treat my worshippers well."

Character journal: follow_my_blood - Beautiful coloring, and in my head I imagine Spike getting looks like this when he's talking to Bee. Where he has to think about something, and doesn't really want to face it.

Character journal: justifymy_ways - Probably the only way you'll ever see Ryder at his most relaxed: with his beloved guitar in hand. It captures the essence of the great love affair for me, and it's my favorite Ryder icon.

Character journal: not_noble: The split image is just DA BOMB, and it's a perfect example of Val's eternal inner conflict. Who she is, who she tries to be, a duality only Bee and her sister have seen in depth outside of her relationship with Sebastian Cale.

Character journal: callme_animal - I was using this icon for Dog long before he became a god. The quote and the pose both embody his deeply spiritual nature, and work well for either the man or the deity...plus Sully's hot in the "Voodoo" video, k? K. :D

who - the mun, ooc - memes and quizzes, ooc

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