[charloft](THURS) what's in a name?...

Feb 19, 2009 11:16

If I get started on all my names? I’ll be here all day, and that’s just going over my years as Houdini. So for the sake of simplicity, I’ll stick with my current one.

And to be honest, I never really thought that much about my name, ya know? I mean, it works for me and there it is. One ironic thing, though, is that Thomas means ‘twin,’ and I do have one. Not a twin brother, but every avatar has one somewhere in the world. I’ve seen it, and if I don’t have one yet? I will eventually.

Anyway, I was born Thomas Gregory Karras. Dad picked the name Thomas, never asked him why. All’s I know is that Mom wanted me to be Gregory Karras, Jr., and Dad refused. They compromised, so my middle name is Gregory after my pop. Karras is Greek, ‘cause I’m Greeker than a motherfucker. Uh…I think it’s a Greek version of ‘Thatcher’ or ‘Mason’ or something, it’s occupational in origin. “Karro” means “cart”…I think ‘karas’ also means black or dark, so there’s that. Like a nickname, ya know?

As for nicknames and shit, I have a ton. Everyone calls me Tommy, nobody but my mother uses my Christian name. Pop calls me Tom Tom, has since I was three. My buddy Ben calls me TK, lotta my Fraternity bros and sisters call me Master or Houdini. Sassy calls me Tommy or sometimes I’m Person and Boy Friend (she’s very explicit about that space in there, buts he likes to make me crazy with it. Abe, too.). Chan calls me Ehrie sometimes, the Searchlight crew’s been known to call me Hope Boy or Magic Man…that’s mostly Abe’s daughter, though. Zee used to call me Babe or Baby, or 'The Man' when she was talkin' about me to other people.

My username’s kinda stupid, I know, but it makes its point. Magic, the Fraternity…the Kellar twins were amused as fuck by it. Nothing fancy there.

Tommy Karras
Original Character

from - charloft, verse - all, what - is in a name?

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