Zee? Baby, it's you...

Sep 19, 2008 17:55

This was supposed to be a note to everyone that I was gonna post over an hour and a half ago that I got home safe, I'm fine, and my birthday's totally chill.

Then I came home to my girl and all hell broke loose.

Long story short (because the homecoming gets personal, so I ain't gonna blog about it), Zee gave me my birthday present and knocked me on my ass.

The woman gave me back my plane.

I don't know how she did it, but Zee located the 1909 I bought in Germany for five grand in 1910. The one that Houdini bought, I mean...and? The whole damn thing's been restored. She's just like I remember her...and I do remember her. I sat in the cockpit, and it was like I was back in Australia again...

She's being stored in a hangar in Playa Vista, and it's the most amazing thing to happen to me today since my mom's baklava and the ring my folks gave me. The trip was just amazing, and I learned a lot. Reconnected with my roots, my family, and I had a lot of fun.

This has been a really awesome birthday, even though I spent most of it on the road, but thanks to everyone that's been so cool to me today. I'll have vacation pictures up later, some of 'em I gotta get from my crew in Searchlight (Hank, e-mail me that stuff from the Mirage, will ya? And tell your Dad thanks for the roundhouse pointers.)

Dee, Theo, you get in okay? Call me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pet my cat and spend time with my girl.

It's really good to be home...peace out, folks.

what - journal entries, vacation - fallout, verse - master's son, what - birthday

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