[mad muses] march prompt set 2: John A. Shedd quote

Jan 28, 2010 13:35

"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."


She’d forgiven him for the stunt, even though it had yet to take place…but she was still wicked pissed at him. It was probably why they were having sex so often.

This time it was at home, fortunately, stumbling through the front door locked together like teenagers. Home, blissfully alone, where they couldn’t get interrupted like they had been that one night at the theater. Dad wouldn’t be home with May for a couple more hours, and the house was dark as a tomb.

She was in his arms, legs clamped around his waist, and he wondered as he slammed her back against a nearby wall and kissed her, if that had something to do with it. Every encounter was frenzied and angry, or so he thought…but now he felt something different in the touch of her lips against his, the way her hips moved against him to elicit a response. It felt a little like she was trying to take what she could get while he was still there.

Like she was saying goodbye before he could leave her.

The realization hit him only after he’d pulled away from the wall and reached their room. Carrying her to the bed, still riding his waist, he lay her down and settled between her legs before he tore his lips away from hers and met her eyes.

“You left me.”


“Every time I walk into the ground, I come back out. You didn’t. Not even the one time I went looking for you, Ziyah. I went looking for you. Do you understand?”

His body sang with arousal, his cock uncomfortably hard within the confines of his jeans, but for a moment mind and body disconnected as he remembered the stillness in that small pine box, the sounds and screams only he could hear…


Her hand was on his cheek, her eyes were lost in his. He saw it then, a kernel of understanding about what he’d endured in that brief period when she was gone, beyond his reach and beyond his life. He wanted to comfort her, wanted to take that knowledge back, but instead he bent his lips to her neck and kissed her there before he bit, making her whimper with need at the gesture he knew drove her to the edge of reason.

“Make love to me like it’s the first time, not the last.” He whispered against her skin. “It’s only fair…it’s only fair.”

It was only fair, because he hadn’t gotten the chance to say goodbye last time. It balanced the scales, and it gave him hope he’d make it through the thing he still had to do. He wasn’t capable of putting her through what he’d endured.

If she wasn’t ready to lose him, then there was no way he could leave her.

Muse: Tommy Karras
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 472

roleplaying, what - prompts, from - mad muses, who - zee, verse - master's son

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