Happy Turkey Day (Thanksgiving RP)

Nov 26, 2009 17:48

"Ah! Where did I put my...Carbone Karras, I gonna tan your hide you keep your hands OFF!!!"

"OW!!! Kee-rap, Mom..."

"See? This is why I ain't cookin'." Tommy declared with a nod, shooting a smile at his father and daughter as he took a sip of his beer before bending over to pick up the sock monkey she'd just dropped. "Careful, Bunny Girl."

" ( Read more... )

who - gregory karras, roleplaying, what - thanksgiving, who - zee, who - carbone karras, who - mayilia ambrogio-karras

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zee_ali November 27 2009, 02:05:07 UTC
Ziyah's attention wasn't on one thing for very long. She dodged behind Aunt Zeph, mastering a back kick to Carbone's backside as punishment for whatever he dipped his fingers into and doubled it as a shooing out of the kitchen before continuing over to the stove to check on the potatoes.

"It's always about business, Aunt Zeph." she snorted. "It's wedding business. Apparently there's no such thing as planning anymore."

As soon as she spotted two loves of her life, she quickly washed her and dried her hands and then held them out to her baby girl.

"Are you hungry, sweets?" she cooed with a big smile.


magic_fratboy November 27 2009, 03:59:07 UTC
"He just impatient, sweetie." Zephyr insisted with a grin as she went back to the green bean casserole she'd been making when Carbone tried to steal a fried onion. "Boy would marry you in a potato sack, but you don't let him, you hear me?!"

"Hey, whose side you on?" Tommy teased as he ambled into the kitchen. Handing May off to Zee as May started babbling about hummy and tookey, he leaned in and stole a kiss.

"So you ladies need some help 'til Mom gets back from the store with the yams?" he offered. "Maybe then she'll cut ya loose from kitchen duty long enough to come sit with me some more."


zee_ali November 27 2009, 15:30:03 UTC
"I won't." Zee grinned back, lowering the heat so the potatoes wouldn't overcook before her future mother-in-law could got back. "But in all fairness, he's just as picky as I am about the details.

Taking May, she gave Tommy a pointed look to get across that she was on his side before turning to find something for her daughter to munch on.

"I don't think so, T. Everything's pretty much done. We're just waiting on the yams." she replied, looking at Aunt Zeph.


magic_fratboy November 27 2009, 20:35:05 UTC
"Okay," he drawled, slipping behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her neck, "then lemme put it this way: I'm hangin' with you chicks 'till I get kicked outta this kitchen, 'cause I miss ya."

"Tookey, Mama!" Mayilia threw in, patting her tummy again. "Go hee-yah!"


zee_ali November 27 2009, 21:20:32 UTC
Ziyah grinned, closing her eyes to savour the moment for as long as she could. She arched her neck to the side, giving him a little more room as she freed one of her hands to put it over the one he had on her stomach. "I miss you more, babe." she whispered.

A laugh bubbled up and she glanced down at May. "That's right, bella. And if you eat enough, you get dessert." she beamed.


magic_fratboy November 27 2009, 21:45:25 UTC
"Nah." was his soft, simple reply as he took advantage and burrowed just a little closer, feeling the touch of that razor-sharp, lonely pain he knew he was never going to shake completely. A deep breath was all he needed, a lungful of her scent to ease the sting for the moment until it eventually came again.

She's here. She's safe. He was probably never going to have to stop reminding himself of that fact.

May chose that moment to break the tension by clapping her hands once with a sharp word.


As she yelped, a single animal cracker appeared from between her clapping hands and fell, clattering to the floor while she giggled in delight.


zee_ali November 29 2009, 17:30:42 UTC
She was lost in thought as he was, thinking back to the few long months she was gone. It all seemed like it happened so long ago, but every night in her dreams, she re-lived it.

Ziyah squeezed his hand warmly, taking in the last few precious seconds before her daughter squealed in delight. She laughed, blinking back what moisture had puddled on her lower lids and nuzzled her nose into May's soft hair.


magic_fratboy November 29 2009, 17:38:14 UTC
Hating the sight of tears, Tommy kissed Zee's cheek before moving around to tickle May's neck. "Heyyyy, Little Bunny May-May, what'd we say about magic?"

"Coooooo-KIE!" May squealed again, clapping her hands and making another animal cracker appear, only to fall to the floor.

With a playful growl, Tommy moved around Zee and blew a raspberry against May's neck. "Nooooo magic unless the Bad People come! Can you show Mommy and Nana Zeph what you do when Bad People come?"

May brought her hands to her mouth, made a smacking noise, and then tried to blow a kiss, blowing a raspberry instead. Still, somehow a little fistful of daisy petals fell from her tiny fingers.

"Mwah! I vuv oo!"

"Ohhhhh, lookit my grandniece! So talented already!" Zephyr squealed, joining them.

"She's a genius. Just like her mother." Tommy grinned as Zephyr held out her arms for a chance to snuggle May.


zee_ali November 29 2009, 18:17:41 UTC
Ziyah watched on, trying desperately to catch each cookie as little May made them appear with a laugh. She was amused, and maybe a small part of her adored it when their daughter accidently performed her magic.

"Tell Aunt Zeph how brilliant you are, babygirl." Zee whispered in her ear.

May turned, offering up the petals to her Mom and grinned.

"I billinnnn!"

After handing over May to Zephyr, she turned to look up at Tommy. "Take some credit there, too, 'Bub." she grinned.


magic_fratboy November 29 2009, 18:20:50 UTC
"No way, I take absolutely none." he drawled, seizing the chance to pull her close and kiss her warmly. "You? Are fuckin' brilliant. I mean...after all, you did agree to marry me, right?"


zee_ali December 4 2009, 18:08:04 UTC
Almost ready to protest, Zee just smiled against his mouth while looking up into his eyes. "If that makes me brilliant, I wonder what you'd call me if I did something selfish.." she lingered, her smile only growing while she waited for that blush to show on his cheeks.


magic_fratboy December 5 2009, 03:51:18 UTC
The blush came easy as he laughed a little, resting his forehead against hers before kissing the tip of her nose. "Selfish? Mmm...probably call ya Boney then." he teased.

Almost immediately, he was stolen from her arms as Carbone surged in and dragged Tommy back into a headlock.

"Selfish this, asshole!" he laughed, nailing Tommy with a noogie.

"AH! Fuck you, ya fuck!"

"Boys! You don't horse around with the baby here!" Zephyr chided, bouncing May lightly in her arms while the infant giggled and clapped her hands, babbling in delight.


zee_ali December 8 2009, 23:24:02 UTC
"Ooh, that wasn't nice." she laughed, seeing Boney out of the corner of her eye. She stepped back, spinning on her heel to get out of the way.

Her laugh lingered as she scooted past Zephyr and placed a kiss on the back of her daughters head before checking on the potatoes again.

"You know you'll be paying for that all night, right babe?" she giggled.


magic_fratboy December 10 2009, 16:36:58 UTC
"I think I just did." Tommy grunted, emphasizing his remark by kicking Carbone in the ass as he walked past him once they finally stopped wrestling.

Just then the front door could be heard opening and closing, making Tommy smile as voices bickering in Greek drifted out to them from the living room.

"Mom must be home." he declared, grinning as he leaned in to kiss Zee again. "Think we'll still be fighting and fucking like they do thirty years from now?"


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