Got this one off future birthday girl Molly

Sep 19, 2009 18:35

You Are Powerful and Hard Working

You're the type of person who can sit all day working on a long and arduous project.

You are determined to be successful, and quitting is never an option for you.

You give a first impression of being a workaholic. This is true, but unlike most workaholics, you have a healthy relationship with your work.

You are an armchair businessperson. You know a lot about running organizations, and you're never afraid to say how you think things should be done.

The Chair Test

Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones

In other news, today for my birthday I got a card from my little bunny (with a hand from Zee in picking it out and signing it), a dead rat from Kel and Hardy, a dead lizard from Prometheus, a lick and a promise for tonight from Zee (I'm afraid in a really good way), a few renditions of the birthday song (best came from my homegirl Molly, thanks babe!), and a cheesecake with candles at lunch during rehearsal today.

Still dealing with being thirty two. Still grateful for it.

Anyway, I got the show in little over an hour and a package from Sassy I'm scared to open. She buys expensive toys that just...yeah. Anyway, I'll check in later. Gonna go clubbing to celebrate with the cast and some friends, and I know Channing's up to no good, so if you wanna see me humiliated you can buy tickets to the 10:00 show.

what - journal entries, who - sassy, tommy - is easily embarrassed, who - zee, what - birthday

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