Sep 11, 2009 12:59
Real busy this afternoon working on some stuff for the show tonight, but I'm out on lunch and I just felt like...I dunno. Like I oughta say something. Probably 'cause Zee's been shook up about some of it and we got to talking. Trading stories and whatnot. There's a lot of that going on today. I know it's kinda freaky for me and Zee, even Channing: her mom was almost there at the Towers eight years ago when they fell.
Obviously, we can't ever forget what happened, none of us should. But I think we need to choose what we remember. Like me...I was twenty three or twenty four when it happened, and living in LA. I got family that lives in New York, and I can only thank God none of 'em were working in the least not that day. Like Chan, I find myself thinking about what could've been.
I don't like to think about that. The fear, the helplessness...that's not what I choose to remember.
I remember darkness, and the light that shone through it. I remember a group of humans with the kind of courage and strength my people only wish they could instill in a soul. Flight 93 is what I remember. I pray for those who died in the attacks, I mourn the losses we all suffered...but when I look back on that day in my mind and in my heart? I forget the shadows of evil that tried to find a foothold.
I remember three outta four. I remember who's still standing: us, not them...and I remember the people who helped make that happen.
Never forget...that we're still here. Never forget that.
what - 9/11,
what - journal entries,
tommy - is emo,
verse - master's son