[charloft] (FRI) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Aug 20, 2009 21:31

Five things in your fridge.

1. boneless chicken breasts
2. leftover gyros from dinner tonight
3. frozen bagels for May (does the freezer count?)
4. celery
5. cannolis (we're still working through the building implosion...and Buried Alive 2)

Four songs on your iPod.

1. Them Bones - Alice In Chains
2. Highway to Hell - AC/DC
3. My Way - Frank Sinatra
4. Lie to Me - Control Freak

Three places you like to visit.

1. Los Angeles
2. Manhattan
3. Venice

Two books you’ve read.

1. Stranger In A Strange Land
2. Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero

One thing you’ll never admit aloud.


I'm not afraid to die.


what - prompts, from - charloft, verse - master's son

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