[ct] 75.1 - How do you respond when someone shows a romantic interest in your partner?

Aug 06, 2009 09:23

I watch…that’s all I do.

Now if you know my girl, that sounds bad. Zee is…she’s sex walking. She flirts, she teases, she looks and she makes no bones about getting physical. She’s a free spirit and she’d die if you tried to stop her from being what she is. That or she’d hate me if I ever got that idea…I can’t decide which would be worse.

Still, I can write it off when someone else takes an interest. For one thing, I owe her a little slack for my own flaws. I’m a guy and I’m human: show me a nice rack or a fabulous ass and I’m gonna look twice. Zee’s bisexual, so she gets that…hell, sometimes she’ll stare at the same girls I do. We keep our eyes open in this relationship: we both look, and I know she’s gonna touch. If I were any other guy, she might even go further if she could do it without hurting me. Lucky for me, we’re both possessive as hell.

The bond we share also makes me feel better about other people taking a shot at her…it’s even kind of a bonus. I mean…I can’t deny there’s something kinda sexy about knowing she’s pursued and always goes home with me. There’s more to it, though, when you know what the woman you love is feeling. When she’s smiling and touching another man’s arm and you can feel her heart beating in time with yours, it’s hard to get angry. When she laughs and leans close to smell his skin, or rub her body against another woman’s and you can actually see she’s fantasizing about what you’ll do to her in bed later, it’s damn near impossible not to be turned on.

Guys, girls, they make passes at her pretty damn frequently. Still, I’m the only one that can feel her. It’s my eyes she looks for across a room, my body she seeks out when they make her hungry for something she can only get from me. There’s a special kind of ownership that comes from having my hooks that deep in a girl…and knowing, feeling that her grip on me’s just as strong.

So if someone wants a shot at Zee? Good luck to ‘em. I’m the one who can hear her laughing in her head when they think they got a prayer of stealing her away from me.

Muse: Tommy Karras
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 401
Partner: Ziyah Ambrogio (zee_ali) [Highlander OC]

what - prompts, verse - master's son, from - couples therapy

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