Hold on, wait a minute--Let's put some BOOM in it!

Sep 14, 2002 21:56

yesterday was fun, most of the time.

I don't have to repeat what happend during lunch b/c that's in giocoso's LJ ^_^ but it was funny

I don't really know what happend during the Mixer because, of corse, i brought a book and read the whole time ^_^ that is so me. The football game was really cool, and that's saying something b/c I HATE SPORTS MUY FUERTE!!! i don't realy know what whent on but i just cheered when everyone else cheered. The first half was extreamly.... depressing because Skruffy and Elf compleatly diched me to go sit by giocoso. considering i only whent b/c my friends were going, that's pritty low, even for them. Finaly someone came down and took pitty on me and invited me up to sit with his junior friends. ^_^ i have "connections" now. That part was so funny XD i keeped standing up and shouting "GO WARREN! WHOO HOO!" and people looked at me strangely. Then we converted his junior friend into Cheeselam and made him the high priest of moneray. (i'm the high priestess of swiss and Tempest's the high priest of cheddar). He was cracking up XD I'm pritty sure we won, even considering how much i know, or don't know, about sports i think i know how to tell who won! :) i even wore my glasses for the ocation. For the first time in my life, i was sad that a sporting event was over.

I have to go, i'll tell you about the party later.... hopefully
~bye peoples~~
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