Mar 17, 2006 21:25
Soccer makes me happy, and i don't know why. No matter how cranky or moody or angry i am when i go as soon as we start, i am happy. There is just something about running around on a field kicking a ball and plowing into people that just feels satisfying. We could practice day and night for days straight and i could be absolutely exhausted and mad about all of the conditioning, but the feeling you get after is just.. great. Sometimes, i wonder how people go there entire lives without playing a sport. The entire world of sports is just great, something no one should miss out on. Nothing can compare :)
I want to continue playing sports for my entire life, not necessarily competively like in college or anything, but just for fun. Just to keep me sane.
Time is absolutely flying by and the last day of school is right around the corner. May 11th. I would love to say that i will miss school, and i will be truely sad and it will feel like a part of my life is missing, but it would all be a lie. I never liked school. I hate homework, i hate waking up early, i hate going to classes that are 100% pointless. I will miss seeing my friends everyday, but i will see them reguardless of whether i am in school or not. I will miss French class, because honestly, Brown is an amazing teacher and an amazing person. She never ceases to amaze me with her sarcasm and crazy personality. That is really all though. I guess i will miss Patterson too, but not anatomy because that class SUCKS. I just felt like saying that :)
I downloaded a bunch of disney songs onto my iPod today. They make me happy.
The sun was out today, but it was still cold so i feel like the weather is just trying to trick us all the time now.
My dad made spaghetti and i was very happy about that too.
I recieved my camp stuff in the mail and i get more and more excited about it everyday.
Now i'm going to clean my room because the mess is starting to get to me.
This is a useless post, but whatever :)