Not too many votes but enough to determine the winers. First I'd like to say that everyone is a winner and did such a splendid job. I very much enjoyed reading everyone's fics.
And without further adu: The August 2006 winners.
August 2006 Fics of Fame
Overall Favourite:
At WandpointAuthor:
lexlinguaRating: R
Pairing(s) or characters: Lily/James
Summary: Lily and James have their first fight since their marriage. "And when the pride of a Potter and the obstinacy of an Evans clash, it’s bound to become a war."
orange_balloonRating: G
Pairing(s) or characters: Harry/Draco
Summary: There was a fight, and now there is silence.
What RemainsAuthor:
oddsbobsRating: G
Pairing(s) or characters: Remus Lupin (with hints of Remus/Sirius if you squint)
Summary: Throughout his life, Remus evaluates what is important.
magyckRating: G
Pairing(s) or characters: Harry, Hermione, Ginny. No real ship there.
Summary: The dress really was terrible.
Prompts: 14 and 18
Best Romance:
Being FineAuthor:
confiteor_3Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s) or characters: Harry/Draco
Summary: During the war, Draco remembers the past.
Most In Character:
World Without EndAuthor:
orngsnapdragonRating: PG-13
Pairing(s) or characters: Alice/Frank with appearances by the MWPP+L, Kingsley, and Neville
Summary: The Romance of Frank and Alice Longbottom in Five Parts. From Hogwarts to the First War and afterwards.
Prompts: 9, 16, 15, 2, 18
Most Original:
I Love HimAuthor:
oz_wraithRating: PG
Pairing(s) or characters: The Giant Squid, Peter Pettigrew
Summary: It is possible to love anyone if you're willing to take the leap of faith.
Mod's Choice:
Hidden LoversAuthor:
damianaroseRating: PG
Pairing(s) or characters: Regulus Black/Hestia Jones
Summary: Regulus is alive and….married?