Jan 18, 2010 03:08
So we'll get the snow that was un-called for. Not a lot, but a damned inconvenience. As all winters'
spit seems to be. Been trying that Vitamin D3 thing, because we simply don't get enough sun up here-
it has an effect. Not so grumpy, just 'holding a turn' through the winter months. Could do with some
spirited company and a few afternoons of playing "Cosmic Wimpout" I think. Well, that and a cocktail or three.
I find that so many of those I follow on LJ tough out time in a similar fashion, but I admire those who find new, creative outlets. I have many means at hand, and I find that I either procrastinate, or dream off in a direction contrary to the instruments. They sit, covered, yet they call out. And the damned computers-it looks like a museum here. Ah- the crawl up tech walls-timely.
Roads to travel, certainly. But when will I pull off the parking brake ?? Maybe when I stop listening to the 'oldies' radio. Marshall Tucker Band ? hello ???????????????????
Good times then.
Best fishes all.