Chillin' Between The Holidays

Dec 28, 2009 19:21

Did you all have a nice Christmas? I sure did. You can read about it on my Blog - The Wonder Worrier.  :-)

I'm looking forward to New Years Eve.  Steph2, Mel and I along with our Significant Others have a tradition that we've been keeping up for a few years now.  We always have a house party, which stems from the fact that most of us are still poor as dirt as we're all just finishing our University/grad school programs, but we make it a "Fancy Dress House Party" so that we can PRETEND we're rich and fabulous.  Us ladies wear fancy dresses, the guys were dress pants and dress shirts, we make fancy hors d'oeuvres and fancy drinks.  We play awesome music and dance, and share some kisses at midnight (um, usually just with our Designated Significant Other, in case that needs a bit of clarification, ahem).  It's a really good time and I'm looking forward to it like crazy.

Now I need to rant about something for a mo'.  I've been hired by my local school board as a Supply Teacher, and I've been to the orientation where I've had to do the paperwork to get started.  We were told that we wouldn't be receiving calls until after Christmas Break because, duh, the schools are closed for two weeks and they had to process our paperwork just the week before the schools were closing.  They said we'd be able to receive calls for as soon as January 4th -- read: the day the schools are back in session.

My problem is that I haven't received my ID numbers to set myself up in the system to receive calls.  In the mail we're supposed to get a start-up package of sorts, and mine hasn't come yet.  I certainly hope it's arriving between tomorrow and Wednesday, otherwise I highly doubt I'll be getting ANY calls in the first week that schools are back in session.

I've been waiting so long to get started, I'm not enjoying the prospect of having to wait even longer.  *grumble, grumble, grumble*.

Anyway, hopefully it'll work out and now that I've bitched about this, my stuff will come in the mail tomorrow.  *crosses fingers*

Certainly do hope your holiday was fabulous!  Have a very Happy New Year!

~ Steph

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