been a while

Apr 30, 2010 14:25

i haven't even looked at lj in months.

what did i even used to post? pithy lists of minor events, stupid pictures, occasional news commentary.

who will read this? i've never seen the point of posting "for myself" on lj or anywhere else i've spread the digital form of my mental and emotional detritus. i have ample pen and paper--their permanence is much more comforting to me. perusing my friends list, the last-men-standing (actually women) on this once flourishing home for so many of the ideas and feelings of my friends, are 3 people that i see regularly (but not enough) and one long-time stalwart who did the unthinkable by making me wish effin' nebraska was bike accessible from minneapolis. for the three minneapolitans, i'd like to have things to say to them when i see them. for the omahan (is that right, em?) we should just email or something.

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