Fucking Horrible Day

Jan 15, 2006 01:19

I am writing this because I cant fucking sleep. The plans that I ahd did not last for very long. I told my girlfriend I wanted to take her out to dinner and a movie in the begining of the week. She tells me that she is going to be with Amanda and Jon and go to the movies on Saturday and the club on Sunday. Ok, yeah so that is just a little shitty but it gets better. So I get out of work today(meaning Saturday)at 4 and come home to find no one here. Sit around until 6 and decide im hungry. I go to Moe's and eat alone. Meanwhile Josh calls me and we talk for a couple of minutes. Im thinking to myself, "OK dumbass, go there and see Josh he did just get out." I get there only to find my ex with her new boyfriend and he is the jealous type I mean to the point that you cant even care about your own dog more than him. Fine, not done yet... Me and Josh go to get gas, come back and the motherfucker calls me out. So I get out of my car, and he is talking shit and pushing me around. I just sit there and laugh it of with my knife in my hand and that hand in my pocket. Come home to find my phone off and have 3 new voice mails. Miss Singer now decides to inform me that we are having a party for jimmi who is leaving today(sunday) to go back to Korea. I get down there, mind you I dont have a car at this point, and we hang out for a while in the tunnel. Everyone goes back to the Singer residence to only get kick out by momma dukes. Will all of that said I still have not talked to my girlfriend to say I love you and good night. Even when I have talked to her, Amanda has been in the background talking shit,"Who did he go out to eat with?",pertaining to Singer. Or,"Why dont you answer your phone". Fuck that I dont need that shit after everything has gone to shit yet again. All I wanted to do is hang out with Bryana and none of this would have ever happened. But I said it was no big deal and I will find something else to do. I just want her to have her own life. But if i dont speek what is on my mind I just get fucked.
Bryana Ryan I love you with all my heart and sole.
Not that is said it is time to try and go back to sleep. I have a feeling it is going to be another sleepless night.
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