Aug 03, 2011 19:34
OOOOOHs! So THAT's Why I've been such a noxious bitch lately that even I couldn't stand myself <.<
Greetings period! Fuck thank god! I was starting to worry and hate things! Phew!
So yeah, i've been very crabby lately which I blame on the leg which started to get really annoying especially because I suck at taking care of myself; I like to carry on like nothing is wrong or like nothing happened to me and you can only do that for so long before you realize you could be injuring yourself worse. Thank the universe for my amazing friends and coworkers who always look out for me <3 not to mention my awesome family! Gaw! How could I forget to mention family?! and my awesome dad who had helped me sooo much since I hurt myself (even when i really don't want him too!) which was another source of frustration honestly. I hate depending on people and I hate feeling like a helpless & trapped dependent. But today I started driving myself around again and I think that helped me a lot! Plus I realized that i had my period right before going out of town so I am due for another period which lately doesn't make me sad makes me ANGRY! GRAWR! haha oh well such as life. Now that I realize what it is I can control my emotions better. Oh period...
The real reason I wanted to write yesterday was to reflect on my tarot readings for august, but I just got so frustrated and disgusted with everything I just cried in an uncontrollable fit of hatred. :/ oh well I guess I needed that.
Knight of Pentacles- Having the patients and skills to complete all tasks. Someone will help me to stay diligent and they will prove to be a realiable and trust worthy source. i can't be too stingy, this isn't about me it's about the bigger picture. I must stay focused and dedicated to what i started.
So true. this month I'm wrapping up several projects and activities that I am in charge of. They do indeed take patients and skills. Patients is a big one. Especially with the situation with my financial aid and the work study and my out of town conference in september gah! but I'm sure it will all work itself out. :) things always do :).
Ten of Pentacles - everything will be aligned and ready for me to take the next step as long as i am the knight of pentacles and i put in the work and dedication necessary to accomplish my goals.
As long as everything works out I will be ready to move on the the next level and be prepared to share what I've learned with others. Which is true. I've realized that I'm extreamly confident and now very valuable. I feel like I can actually give people useful and relevant information and feed back. I was on a conference call Monday with equality Texas and they are actually using one of my ideas! Like my tarot cards remind me it's not about me and i do it not for the recognition but for the bigger picture but it's just nice to positively reflect on the fact that I've grown and come to the point where I've had enough experience to know what I'm talking about and to be good at what I do but of course there is always the next level ;)
Eep well I have so much to do! I have to make a powerpoint for Camp Unicorn! aaand a power point for Tarot 101 workshop <3 I love my life! <3 <3 <3
Things to add to my scrap book about my last year in college! (besides the things that are obvious)
-Pictures of the leg
-I really started to like "the new adventures of old Christine" the whole believing in magic and love thing <3
-The year I really started to love meeee! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
OH YEAH! I got accepted to go to the White House Project Conference to learn more about leadership and politics and campaigning and how to run for office (in case I want to run someday or know someone who does)
I need to find a partner to road tripp it with to Denver CO