I passed all of my classes.

May 26, 2005 12:05

Okay, so I defintately lied. I will be able to get on every now and then to update and check my email (maggot_lipstick@yahoo.com) at the new place I go to. Its pretty cool. I love my new foster home, theyre so nice.

Yesterday was the best. Me, Mr. Wendel and Nancy went to the mall and every time Mr. Wendel talked to us I screamed that I didnt want any candy (cos he's older and talking to two 16y/o girls) and then when he was pulling the truck around to come and get us, I told Nancy not to get in, and when he told us to get in the car for the 6th time I screamed "NO I WILL NOT GET IN YOUR TRUCK! LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU CREEP!" and everyone turned and stared and Mr. Wendel died. Im going to miss them.

I stayed forever after school with Josh and Justin, my deearest buddies, and I got sunburned while I watched them eat for 3 hours. I later stalked them at Borders and Josh made some pretty strict demands, but I put him in his place.

"Good morning, Sarah!

Please help yourself to breakfast. There are english muffins in the fridge, *regular bread is near the microwave in the bread box. You know cereal is on the top shelf of the pantry closet.

Milk, juice, butter and jelly are all in the fridge as well.

Ive put a cooler bag on the counter with some snacks for the day if you dont get lunch at Family Intervention. Make yourself some sandiwches (*bread) There are some deli meats in the fridge and tuna and soup in the pantry.

Have a great day!"

Wow. My real parents never even did that for me. She's so nice.
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