"Embrace this moment, remember we are etarnal, all this pain is an illusion."

Oct 12, 2005 17:12

YES! 4 day weekend! Ok im in a much better mood than last time. I was all worried that erik and i were gonna break up cause he was acting all weird. but were not and i feel so much better. was so fucking stressed out about it. i couldnt hold down any food or anything. it sucked. but all is good. umm...lets see, i have my last horse show of the year saturday. which is also erik and i's 6th month. woo! yes, finally a meaningful relationship that has lasted! god its been awhile since that happened. yay! *bounces* OMG im bored tho. im sitting at eriks house and he went to work. i didnt feel like going home so he said i could just stay here. and now i cant go home if i want to because my mom is leaving. meh...oh well. ok i love you all!
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