My Kickstarter is still going strong - it hit funding a few days ago, and I've got the art book assembled and at the printer. I should be sent a proof soon, then I can submit the final order and stuff. BTW, guys, that art book is RIDICULOUSLY underpriced at $35 and is going to $50 after the campaign is over, so if you've ever wanted an art book from me, now's the time to get it. And you get a deck of cards to go with it!
I've also started on a new deck of cards that I'm attempting in a more traditional manner (I've actually gotten involved in a playing card forum and they've been extremely helpful in steering me in the right direction.) The new deck's going to be an owl deck (of course) and it's tons of fun to do. I think I may have discovered a new love. At the advice of some hunter friends, I may be doing a duck deck after this.
Anyways, on to the art!