Wow, someone actually remembered that
A Fresh Start exists and nominated it for
nextgen_awards (Het One-Shot).* If I win I will totally LMAO, but since I'm totally going to get my ass kicked I'll find something else to laugh about.
Like the fact that we FINALLY got our heat back Thursday afternoon, only to lose it again sometime last night after I went to bed. (ETA as I was typing this: Fred the landlord stopped by and got it working again. We'll see how long it lasts; apparently the pump decided to shut itself off last night for no reason.) (ETA again: never mind; it's done it again.)
Or the fact that they're calling for us to get another foot of snow this weekend. Did I mention I moved AWAY from Michigan last summer?
Oh yeah, and I put in another couple of job applications that'll get tossed in a trash can because I'm too educated/skilled/old/whatever. And my car will soon need a new catalytic converter because VW sucks donkey balls.
Yeah, I'm a regular bundle of sunshine today. At least Gobs got to go to school, even if 2 hours late, and he'll be able to swim this afternoon, and I made it to the grocery store. I think I'll go read
metafandom posts so I can work myself into a froth about fandom misogyny for a while. Then I'll channel that negative energy into fic-writing. Then I'll stop by the ABC store before I pick up Gobs from swimming.
*Seriously though, thank you, whoever you are.