
Mar 04, 2008 14:39

While my Simon is always awesome, this particular entry is not about him but awesome stuff I've found online.

First up: arm dragons! How awesome is that?!?
The seller also makes beautiful leather masks.

Also awesome: various chain mail weaves and materials used in jewellery. I particularly like the look of this seller over most of the others on Etsy in that she uses actual silver over aluminium and that her rings are very nicely flat ended, so fit well together (some others you can see have been snipped, therefore the ends of the rings don't lay flat against each other). Also love the combination pieces with silver and copper or rose gold.

Last year I got a corset made by Helen New of Helen was really great to work wiht and the corset is beautiful. I haven't had a chance to take pics of me in it yet (besides, my camera won't talk to my compy), but Helen's pics are in her gallery (it's the green/black striped one). Because I have a very long torso (which is why I will never again buy an off-the-rack corset, now that I've tried what ones in the proper length are like), it didn't fit her dummy, hence why it's boring laying flat piccies.

More pretties: Wire wrapped jewellery in a variety of materials (well, the wire isn't, but what it's wrapped around). New stuff gets put on the website weekly. I particularly love the 'alchemy of time' pieces, and bought one about a month ago ( this one).
Another wire wrapper, but with a more classic/stylish/mature/whatever you'd call it look, and quite bold, I think (the pieces are mostly quite large): And she's in Brisbane, yay locals!

Also, I am hoping at some point to convince Simon's mum to consider selling online. She's primarily a glass artist and sadly there's only a couple of pics online of things she's done, here's what I found: and
She also makes jewellery, eg. for my birthday I got the cutest little glass teapot pendant (will try to get pics of that too, when we get a card reader or something) in puple and white.

In not-news, I still don't have a job, but am going back to Oxfam volunterring this week. I'm doing reasonably well with everything atm, though I have black times when everything just come tumbling down. Forutnatey they usually only last an hour or two before things clear up a bit again.

I am gymming regularly again, which is great, I really like using my body. Must remember to call Susan (belly dancing teacher) and get back into that too.
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