random funny vids:
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Seriously, the Theatre of Imagination vids made me go "aawwwwww BRENT" He got older, and more adorable with the hair cut. I used to really dislike him, for I dunno what reason, but now I just feel bad for him (I was especially sad when he said Spence was the only one who still talked to him :"[), but I'm still glad we have Jon. No matter how much I warm up to Brent now, I wouldn't change what happend, cause we got Jon outta the deal :D
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Patrick at 5:58 = me every day of my life.
I say abonormal things all the time, and then ppl, like Pete, scoot farther away on the couch lol
random rl story:
There was a fire drill last night, and when we all met outside xeyedginger an me were chattin it up. exciting times I tell you. I felt like a tard when she was said she liked my music, cuz there I am, standing there with what had to be a stupid expression on ma face in yellow nesquik pjs and bright purple sweatshit like a big ol doorknob, thinking to myself that I had no idea, cuz, herro, I don't think I ever listened to music with you...and she must have gotten that I was being stupidlikewoah cuz she was like, "your musics loud." (*facepalm* darr, self, you big goober you) to which I intelligently said "oh. yeah." *headdesk* why am I so goddamn spastic? lol idek
random pic:
why did I not realize Ryan is approx. 8 ft taller than Pete?? *is unobservant*
this makes me really want to see a pic of Pete standing next to Travis (anyone??)
random....well I dunno, piece of randomness I guess:
I was watching A Knight's Tale last night. Gawd, I love that movie so much. Towards the end, Chaucer says, "All human activity falls within the artist's scope." reminded me of fanfic (dar, cause really? What doesn't these days. lol) Anyways, fantastic movie, Chaucer's my favorite fer sure.
I adore randomness of all kinds. tell me something random.