So, although I fail greatly, I am indeed not dead to the world. I've been writing allot lately, but nothing post worthy or I just haven't been able to finish anything it seems. o'wells. /life
in other (more important news) I'm just now starting to hear (because I'm prematurely behind the times) about the new Panic(!) video. What's it supposed to be like/about/what song? Wanna fill me in? That's be loverly.
The Rules:
1) Copy and paste this into your LJ.
2) Write down the top five for each category, in order.
3) Tag 8 friends.
Things you are addicted to:
1) Music
2) Bandom
3) Naked Fruit Juices/Arizona Ice Tea
4) My Computer
5) My Camera
Things that will always cheer you up:
1) Thomas/Sophie
2) Music
3) boys (of the bandom variety.)
4) Single File
5) Open Happiness
Things you want to do before you die:
1) Go to Bumpershoot w/ Thomas
2) Meet my LJ friends in rl
3) Own a '57 Chevy Bel Air (factory blue, convertible, white wall tires)
4) Meet Panic (ALL of them, Zack and Shane included.)
5) Have a fluffy white Persian named Rasputin
What you would spend the money on if you won the lottery:
1) My College
2) Ian's College
3) Mom's debt paid off
4) Said '57 Chevy Bel Air
5) plane tickets somewhere awesome.
Superpowers you wish you had:
1) Prevarication
2) Mind Reading
3) Invisibility
4) Telekinesis
5) Whatever the hell it is that Seance from UA does.
If you could change stuff about yourself, what would you change:
1) Lose some damn weight
2) Better eyesight
3) Better hearing
4) ears re-pierced
5) less limp/lifeless hair
I'm super tired, so I'm gonna be lazy and only Tag
guilt_lines and