taken from Sarah
fuzzyniffler cause I was bored avoiding econ again and, well, I just always seem to end up stealing her memes.
1) Spell your name without the letter E?
2) Are you in a relationship?
sometimes I think so
3) When you're at home alone, do you still close the door when you shower?
yeah, because tucker walks into my room unannounced all the time
*sometimes dislikes the adjoining bathroom/bedroom*
4) Do you like your life right now?
thats a loaded question.
5) What was the last item you bought?
mmm, tamales :)
6) What was the last thing you drank?
10) What plans do you have for tomorrow?
o_O things of slightly questionable legality
11) What do you hate?
a lot of things. atm? hangnails
12) Where was the last place you fell asleep?
My bed
14) Do you have a best friend that is a girl?
Indeed I do
15) How are things between you and your friends?
good, cept one of ems hung over atm, and I be "laughin" so she's "hatin" lol
16) What is your favorite romance movie?
oh jeez, either Latter Days, Some Kind of Wonderful, or Rock My World
18) Do you forgive or forget?
forgive for the most part, don't even forget
22) What are you thinking about right now?
How I need to take a shower
23) Who was the last person to tell you they love you?
Drunkface!Jamie last night
24) Do you think they meant it?
even though I know she means it, the ulterior movie was to get her another beer lol
25) What time did you go to bed last night?
somewhere around 12:40 or so
26) What are you currently doing?
This and trying to make my self read Paradise Lost for Lit on Mon
27) What did you do today?
so far, wake up, check LJ *is an addict*
28) Do you hate anyone?
sure do, although hates probably a bit strong
29) What was the last thing you ate?
arr, um, lil Caesar's pizza I think
30) Who sits behind you in math?
I don't have math
31) What are you listening to?
radio, Disturbia
32) Who does it remind you of?
Tuck, cause we went to see the movie
33) What was the last movie you watched?
Drive Me Crazy on HBO, lmao
34) What CD is in your stereo?
Don't have a stereo, gave it to my lil bro, but I think he's got paramore in it
36) What did you do yesterday?
woke up late, took record breaking shower, ran to class, ending up getting there early (wtf??), turned in my engl paper in keeping an open mind, went to hist, listened to hilarious hist prof, went to astronomy, then to taco del mar, then Jamie's, studied, watch supernatural
what can I say, I lead an exciting life lol
37) Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
I piss everyone off because I love my music ridiculously loud
38) Are you a beach or a snowy mountain person?
both, but leaning towards the mountains cuz I've some epic snowball fights up in the Blues
39) What are you doing later?
school, a goat maybe, haven't put much thought into it yet
40) Do you like someone?
I like a lot ppl, generally speaking
41) Where is your biological father right now?
passed away
42a) Do you have any piercings?
7, all in my ears
42b) Do you have any tattoos?
43) Have you ever been tied up?
fer reals, or...for not reals?
44) Have you ever had two dates in one night?
45) What do you get complimented about most?
the music I listen to, lol
46) Do you get distracted easily?
all the time *hello there LJ*
47) What was your childhood nickname?
Sis, Maynard, Jonathan called me smellyface all the time when we were kids
48) What would you change about your life right now?
lots, another loaded ques
49) How do you feel about public displays of affection?
I don't really care, unless its getting disgusting, then they can just take it somewheres else
50) What's the dumbest thing you have done in a car?
51) Do you live alone?
semi, I have a single dorm room, but its in a dorm so no
52) Can you keep a secret?
sure can
53) What was the best year of your life?
not this one
55) Have you ever played Twister?
On occasion
56) Have you ever been drunk at school?
57) Last thing received in the mail?
LJ notification
58) Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a D?
59) Do you have trust issues?
According to Ely and Justin I do
60) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Tucker, cause our song was on the radio