
Apr 12, 2005 09:46

hey guys ive calmed down since the last post. im not mad at rach anymore but mr caudwell is in here and is annoying the hell out of me. codename jees wont stop staring at me. im kinda scared. lol well anyway im 'citing works' in ELA. god mr b is annoying me today. a lot of ppl are annoying me latelt. bekahs got me a lil ticked off again course i neva really was over what she said so nuthin new there. yes rt i do have anger probs but as long as i dont take them out on you, you've got nuthin to fear. or do you? lol luv that show alexys brought a dull butter knife to school and i threatened mr caudwell with it when he wouldnt stop makin fun of napoleon dynamite. kiki i hope you feel better and rach dont worry you'll find a bf. im absolutely positive you will! ill eat my converse if you dont! crap its still snowing i wish it would rain. well im done talking bout me now so bye bye evry one!
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