May 06, 2008 17:33
I miss my cat, Sage, so much!
I lived in the dorms last year, so I was not able to bring her out here when I moved.
I talked to my Mama G the other day and she said that Sage is biting her fur off on one paw.
Sage did this a long time ago when I was still in Ohio and I took her to the vet. The vet said that it was either kitty depression or that she was allergic to something- so the vet gave her an allergy shot.
Mama G told me she'd take her to the vet. She also said that if I did not come and get her before July, that she'd bring Sage to me!
Also, Janis Joplin, or Joplin as she is usually called (my rat) is so cute!!
I really want to get her a playmate! Every rat care book I read says that rats are social creatures and so rat owners should always have 2 or more. I just want to be a good mother! I have been messaging and calling lots of people on craigslist to find a female rat!
On another note- I need a job!!!!!!
Any ideas??