Dec 07, 2008 12:49
i was supposed to see dark star orchestra. it was a random tuesday, right before thanksgiving. i figured that there was no way that it would sell out. WRONG! apparently, the word is out. jambands are a big deal in buffalo, now more than ever. i remember seeing shows at showplace theatre and there was almost no one there. or the tralf, half empty. but now dso can sell out town ballroom. weird.
so i did what any rational person would do and walked up to the box office window, presented my i.d. and asked for my will call tickets. the lady said she didn't have them and that i would need to give her my confirmation number. whatever, basically i did a half assed job of pretending that i had tickets that she had lost. i got stern without being too forceful. i said at least two times, "are you serious?!?!" eh, no go. no tickets.
so josh and i went to bars all over buffalo. okay, just two. founding fathers, which i had never been to. and frizzy's. at founding fathers, the bartender was so adorable. he was older and very knowledgeable about his presidential stuff. as well he should be. he gave us placemats with pictures of presidents and the years that they had served and we tried to match names. we drank a little bit and moved on.
i'm not the biggest fan of frizzy's. the owner, frizzy, is a major womanizing douchebag who grabbed my ass last year. booooo! but josh and i went in there and had a good time. josh said something about stevie nicks... like that rolling stone had released a list of the top 100 singers and he was dismayed to see that stevie nicks was not on the list. i was like, oh yeah, mofo? i can name 100 singers i like better than her. and then we spent the rest of the night naming people that i liked better than stevie nicks. without putting much thought into it, i got up to 145. that was a good night.
wednesday of that same week was amanada's birthday. we went to carrabba's for dinner and i had some lovely pasta, some wine, and some bread with oil. bread with oil may be my favorite thing ever. mmmm... herbs and oil. then we went to the hotel we were staying at. since the day before thanksgiving is the biggest drinking night of the year, none of us wanted to take a chance by driving home slightly buzzed. hotel! watched some iron chef. then went to the bar.
we saw marky, aaron, paul. it was like working at the amherst holiday inn all over again. except there were new girls who were kind of ditzy. the one chick was hitting on everyone in sight, which in general, would make me uncomfortable. but then i noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring. seriously? married with a kid. awesome. i love humanity.
we got some food at jim's. i didn't get drunk, but i was super hungry. finally, megan, amanda, and i tumbled into the hotel at 5:00 am.
two hours of sleep, and i woke up at 7:00 am to run the turkey trot. when i say run, you know i really mean, walk at a slightly-faster-than-leisurely pace. michelle and i wore indian headdresses and dan wore a pilgrim hat. people loved the costumes and we were on the news. the turkey trot was a trip. they brought bloody maries in michelle's backpack. i don't like that drink, though, so i was sadly sober for most of the walk. that is, until we passed our hotel that we all work at. the morning van driver came out with some rock and rye for us. damn. that shit was so strong, it was eating away the paper cup. i drank some real quick and caught a buzz for two minutes. michelle pounded hers and i'm convinced she was drunk for the last two miles of the race. (it was five miles all together)
thanksgiving at my parents' house. eh. football, beer, food, yum. then a fight with mom to top it all off. it wouldn't be the holidays without a fight with mom. the pumpkin pie was good, though.
friday, i went to work and some shit went down there. all of my work drama is for another post, though. then after work, i met some old classmates at friday's by the galleria. carrot, jake, jen, chris, nevin, me, and dan lichtblau. we had drinks, appetizers. i had a salad. it was all really fun. josh met me at friday's and then he and i headed out to ub for our concert.
probably the best concert of 2008-- DAVID BYRNE. i'm trying to think of everything i've seen this year. oh wait... rothbury. not counting that whole thing, then yes, definitely. david byrne was amazing. he was perfect. everyone came out dressed in white and there were weird contemporary dancers all in white doing moves that looked like they were choreographed to seem as though they were improv. he played a whole bunch of good old shit including: life during wartime, crosseyed and painless, once in a lifetime, heaven, burning down the house, etc.
i want to marry him. he seemed like one of those older people who have been artsy, but unaware of their own artsiness, their entire lives. except, you know, the critical acclaim must have made him aware. but i guess what i want to say is that he seemed unaffected. he is how he is because that's how he is. a lot of music stuff today bows to trends and this is someone who set the trends for his time and place.
saturday: ANI! ani fucking difranco. at babeville. at one point in the night, she was like, "nice place you got here." so cute. so the biggest thing that struck me about this show was that she is so fucking happy. read that again: ani is happy. she talked a lot about her baby and giving birth and being a mother and so on. and hetero love? yes, with a man.
i wrote to my friend george about the show, and i'd like to take an excerpt of that e-mail to explain myself:
i think i have seen ani five or six times. well, recently, she had a baby, and fell in love. and the ani that i was really into was the ani who wrote songs about political corruption and crafted the most beautiful and intuitive metaphors, ani who had songs that included bleeding and tampons and women with shaved heads, etc. this show on saturday was like... i don't know. it was happy rather than angry. she is noticeably more happy and less angry. well, i don't know about less angry, but the happy is taking precendence right now, if that makes any sense.
i missed angry ani, actually. i think this is because i hadn't listened to her new stuff that she had written since the whole love (with a man!!) and baby thing happened, so it kind of took me off guard. she must be in a rough spot becuase i feel like so many of her major fans were really into the angry, women's rights, activist ani, and this hetero love and babies thing is off putting to the general demographic of her audience: (usually large) lesbians. i don't want to say that i liked it less. i don't want to think that she should spend her whole artistic life as a woman screaming at the top of her lungs about important issues. that would be exhausting. i guess all i'm saying is that it wasn't what i expected and it's going to take me a minute to get used to it.
but i still loved it. george wrote back that this love with a man and the baby thing... he said it must be like when dylan plugged in his guitar for the first time. i love that analogy. well played, g. oh, and that large lesbian comment... that was actually written in the heat of the moment because we were surrounded by really annying large lesbians at the show. not cool.
sunday, the bills lost. monday, i went into work and decorated the hotel for christmas. blaaaaaaah. i am not a fan of decorating, really. i just want tree to appear and to decorate itself. i did the lobby tree and then there were four more trees for the downstairs. a christmas village, etc. putting them all together and then decorating those trees was exhausting.
i don't remember tuesday. wednesday was nice because i was alone in my office. thursday, i took off of work. friday, shit hit the fan and again, for another post. friday night, i went out with carol (my old boss), dan, and deanna. we went to north and had some drinks. for some reason, i just kept taking shots of crown. i don't even really like crown. but i loved it that night. red stripe and crown. amazing. they all went home, and i went into the hotel and washed my hair in a hotel room. wooo... i felt really gross. the hair washing was nice. liana met me at the hotel and we went out to a bar where without me telling her what i drank all night, li ordered herself a red stripe and crown. excellent. i love being on the same page as people.
saturday night, i slept on the couch, and then woke up around 9:00 to go out with amanda. it was snowing really bad. i spent about four hours texting with brian. weird. fell asleep watching the sarah silverman program, which i can't decide if i like or not. i want to like it so bad because i love sarah silverman. she's officially on my lesbian list. but i'm not sure yet.
woke up this morning, made myself a screwdriver, and here i am. the bills play later today. against miami in toronto.
speaking of miami... i've been thinking about moving there. well, i've been considering atlanta, nashville, and miami, and for some reason, miami is really pulling ahead in my mind. i want warmth. and beach. and sun. and hispanic men all over. is that too much to ask? atlanta would be so fun, though, too. and nashville... i've only driven through, but i loved it so much. it was gorgeous. i can't decide. i think i'm just ready for a change of pace. i want a different lifestyle.
if i stay in buffalo, i will eventually find someone "good enough" and settle down and i will never leave. i want an adventure in my life. i want to live my life out loud in a place that i'm not comfortable in. i want to meet new and interesting people. i want to get a taste of it. i feel like if i stay in buffalo, i will stay here forever. and i don't want that. i'm not that far off from what could be a settling down age. i feel like i've done buffalo. i love it here, but i want a different place to call my own. my family is here, and i will always love buffalo. (in fact, i think i want a tattoo of a buffalo) but i need to get a new and exciting life! miami? could be...
i e-mailed liz and asked her to tell me all about it. she responded basically how i thought she would. sun is great. beautiful people all over the place can be disheartening. it's expensive. etc. i have pretty good self esteem so i think i'll be all right. i live paycheck to paycheck up here in buffalo, so why not do it somewhere where the sun is almost always shining?
i've been to miami once before. for about 10 days or so. december 2003 (for the phish shows). i loved it. i went all around the city with my gracious tour guide and ate delicious food, drank delicious beer, saw delicious sites, walked around the beaches, we saw mike gordon at a restaurant on south beach. it was so fun. full time fun? yes please. i wouldn't need to think of stuff to do... i could just go to the beach. despite my alabaster, porcelain, translucent skin, i think i could make a pretty convincing beach bum.