Jan 15, 2007 01:39
so my grandpa PapPap passed away last night after his battle of a year with lung cancer
my sister and I did get to drive up there a few days after christmas to visit him and grams and some of my dad's side of the family
and i knew he wasn't looking good
but i prayed every night that he'd be better, no pain , ect.. and the one night i forgot to pray he passes away
i know its not my fault and god takes people when he's ready and i know this is selfish but .. i wasn't ready
Grams said that he passed away peacfully in his sleep which is a blessing i suppose.. there are so many other ways one can go when battling cancer
shit its like the remake of my grandmother. JoJO .. they never look the same once they get so bad and its like watching a vegetable
i wish i was super smart and that there was a cure
and i feel so stupid for smoking when that's the leading cause of lung cancer
I don't feel like i'm addicted .. its just something i like to have every once in awhile
i dont' smoke weed anymore
i rarley drink
so ciggerettes keep me sane i suppose
anyways i'm rambling
don't leave any " i'm sorry" responses b/c i never check this thing
but thanks anyways
i know the only people who are my friends on LJ i actually know
so i love you guys
and i'm on my myspace more than anything .. if i DO decide to get on the computer