[14:49] mcb_smith: gud moargnag
[14:49] Kat: I am currently away from the computer.
[14:51] mcb_smith: not everyone is cute out for the American Ballet Academy
[14:51] mcb_smith: that is the moral here
[14:52] mcb_smith: Peter Gallagher's eyebrows might eat me
[14:52] mcb_smith: help
[14:59] mcb_smith: also, snickers are for fattie ballet dancers
[14:59] mcb_smith: this movie is like a parable
[14:59] mcb_smith: it's like the bible
[14:59] mcb_smith: omg she's going to hit the pole
[14:59] mcb_smith: she didn't make the academy so she's going to dance
[14:59] mcb_smith: on the pole
[15:01] mcb_smith: I don't know which boy is supposed to be the cute one and which one is supposed to be the gay one
[15:01] mcb_smith: this movie is so confusing
[15:03] mcb_smith: her car got towed
[15:03] mcb_smith: tragic
[15:03] mcb_smith: now she's going to
[15:03] mcb_smith: buy coffee?
[15:04] mcb_smith: she needs to win a hip hop stripper contest to get her car out of the impound
[15:04] mcb_smith: the black guy does look like eddie murphy to her
[15:04] mcb_smith: because she is a white girl from michigan
[15:04] mcb_smith: and she has never seen a negro before
[15:04] mcb_smith: FYI
[15:05] mcb_smith: you are getting live commentary on Center Stage: Turn It Up
[15:06] mcb_smith: he thought she's order a cosmo or a vodka tonic but she stole his beer and he is impressed!
[15:06] mcb_smith: she took a whole sip!
[15:06] mcb_smith: he has an earring
[15:06] mcb_smith: is he the gay one?
[15:07] mcb_smith: oh
[15:07] mcb_smith: it's time to get funky apparently
[15:07] mcb_smith: she's doing the running man
[15:07] mcb_smith: they love it
[15:07] mcb_smith: she is going to win the hip hop strip off
[15:09] mcb_smith: she got a job at the bar because they like the way she roger rabbits
[15:10] mcb_smith: this high school chick is 40
[15:10] mcb_smith: I am going to imdb it
[15:13] mcb_smith: the internet doesn't know how old she is
[15:13] mcb_smith: which means I'm right
[15:13] mcb_smith: 40
[15:14] mcb_smith: the ballet dude needs her help
[15:14] mcb_smith: to bring her passion and fire to his ballet
[15:14] mcb_smith: he's not american
[15:14] mcb_smith: I was half right he's from Bostom
[15:14] mcb_smith: er
[15:14] mcb_smith: Boston
[15:15] mcb_smith: she has some money now, let's see what she does with it
[15:15] mcb_smith: she's getting an apt on craigslist
[15:15] mcb_smith: she's going to get raped
[15:15] mcb_smith: $10 there is an attempted rape in this movie
[15:16] mcb_smith: he's not really a ballet dude, he's a hockey player
[15:16] mcb_smith: and he called himself a ballerhino
[15:16] mcb_smith: lulz
[15:18] mcb_smith: bitch has some abs though frealz
[15:18] mcb_smith: oh it's a hip hop opera medley
[15:18] mcb_smith: to show the juxtaposition of the two worlds
[15:18] Kat: omgggg
[15:18] mcb_smith: wut?
[15:18] mcb_smith: dancing is about trust and connecting, Kat
[15:18] Kat: wut haz I done to deserve this?
[15:18] mcb_smith: hahaha
[15:19] mcb_smith: I am love bloggin!
[15:19] mcb_smith: live bloggin!
[15:19] mcb_smith: whatever
[15:19] Kat: that are on a blog
[15:19] mcb_smith: she is showing hip the ways of hip hop
[15:19] mcb_smith: the ballerhino
[15:19] mcb_smith: they groovin
[15:20] mcb_smith: he wunt 2 put n hur bsecks hoel
[15:21] mcb_smith: haaha she got a huge furnished loft in manhattan with the cash she scraped together as a hip hop stripper
[15:21] mcb_smith: it's supposed to look ghetto and that shit would run $6k a month
[15:21] Kat: ahaha
[15:22] Kat: the only stripper I know has like 3 roommates
[15:22] mcb_smith: this bitch is fucking 40
[15:22] mcb_smith: he's not really a stripper
[15:22] mcb_smith: she's working at a bar
[15:22] mcb_smith: in various capacities
[15:22] mcb_smith: it's a new bar
[15:22] mcb_smith: they saw her dance and said they could use someone with her energy
[15:22] Kat: oh
[15:22] mcb_smith: oh the 40 yr old wants to ask out the ballerhino
[15:22] mcb_smith: LOVE TRIANGLE
[15:23] mcb_smith: the ballet girls came to the dirty sweaty hip hop stripper bar
[15:23] mcb_smith: oh noes
[15:23] mcb_smith: I smell drama
[15:23] Kat: haha
[15:23] mcb_smith: I smell attempted rape coming up, too
[15:23] mcb_smith: oh they ordered cosmos and vodka tonics
[15:23] mcb_smith: lulz1
[15:24] mcb_smith: oh the 40 yr old was being catty
[15:24] mcb_smith: I hope she gets raped
[15:24] Kat: surprise
[15:24] mcb_smith: by a homeless
[15:24] mcb_smith: with the hiv
[15:25] Kat: I'm not promising you a raep
[15:25] Kat: imdb doesn't mention it
[15:25] mcb_smith: sad
[15:25] mcb_smith: she is going to stomp that bitch's yard
[15:25] mcb_smith: right here
[15:25] mcb_smith: "don't sweat the technique"
[15:26] mcb_smith: I am sober
[15:26] mcb_smith: how sad is this?
[15:27] mcb_smith: they are stomping her proverbial yard
[15:27] Kat: so why are you watching so-bad-they-don't-even-have-wikipedia-entries movies?
[15:27] mcb_smith: with some well trained negro dancers
[15:27] mcb_smith: not sure
[15:29] mcb_smith: haha
[15:30] mcb_smith: oh
[15:30] mcb_smith: it might be backstory time
[15:30] Kat: what backstory?
[15:31] mcb_smith: her mom is dead and her dad is alcoholic and she has wanted this her whole life, Kat!
[15:31] mcb_smith: You don't know what it's like!
[15:31] mcb_smith: look
[15:31] mcb_smith: I realize your story is important
[15:31] mcb_smith: but right now
[15:31] Kat: but obviously I'm not a ballet stripper
[15:31] mcb_smith: Center Stage: Turn It Up
[15:31] mcb_smith: Turn It The Fuck Up was the original title
[15:31] Kat: obviously
[15:32] mcb_smith: attempted rape inc!
[15:32] mcb_smith: her boss and future rapist made her take tonight off
[15:32] Kat: nuh uh!
[15:32] mcb_smith: because he is friends with the boy who likes her
[15:32] mcb_smith: and the boy is waiting outside
[15:32] mcb_smith: she has incredible inhumanly white teeth
[15:32] mcb_smith: he's about to see her place
[15:33] mcb_smith: and be all "you live in this dump?"
[15:33] mcb_smith: oh, they cut that scene
[15:33] mcb_smith: obv obv
[15:33] Kat: th3 $6k dump, yes
[15:33] mcb_smith: "the fettucine's pretty bangin'"
[15:33] mcb_smith: best line of the movie
[15:34] Kat: haha
[15:34] Kat: I want some bangin' (spinach) fettucine
[15:34] mcb_smith: oh word
[15:34] mcb_smith: I baked buckwheat mollasses bread last night
[15:34] mcb_smith: kiss time
[15:34] mcb_smith: then attempted rape, yo
[15:34] mcb_smith: I still haven't met the gay one
[15:34] Kat: oh man
[15:34] mcb_smith: unless that's the big reveal at the end
[15:34] Kat: I still have pumpkin bread left
[15:35] mcb_smith: by attempted rape I meant tango by the fountain
[15:35] mcb_smith: in the ghetto
[15:35] mcb_smith: which gradually becomes hip hop tango
[15:35] Kat: aw
[15:36] mcb_smith: oh wait
[15:36] mcb_smith: she's raping him
[15:36] mcb_smith: this I did not predict
[15:36] mcb_smith: he seems to like it though
[15:36] mcb_smith: so whatev
[15:36] Kat: obv
[15:37] mcb_smith: he's going to leave the haagendazs out
[15:37] mcb_smith: oh noes
[15:37] Kat: haha what
[15:38] mcb_smith: he left out the fucking ice cream
[15:38] Kat: ballet dancers don't get haagen dazs
[15:38] Kat: unless she's bulimic??
[15:38] mcb_smith: this is the one who drinks beer and eats snickers
[15:38] Kat: drama!!!
[15:38] Kat: ahahaa\
[15:38] mcb_smith: so she has ice cream
[15:39] mcb_smith: she's going to reapply at semester
[15:39] mcb_smith: so the baallerhino is going to help her with form
[15:39] mcb_smith: because she helped him with his fire and passion
[15:39] mcb_smith: weah jus gettin stahted
[15:40] mcb_smith: he installed a bar in her ENORMOUS apartment
[15:40] Kat: fabulous
[15:40] Kat: wait, like a drinking bar, or a barre?
[15:40] mcb_smith: barre
[15:40] Kat: because maybe she needs to practice both
[15:40] mcb_smith: sorry
[15:40] mcb_smith: haha
[15:40] mcb_smith: they raped each other again
[15:40] mcb_smith: they seem to be doing that on the regular
[15:40] Kat: I love it when that happens
[15:40] mcb_smith: oh noes he slept in
[15:40] Kat: omg so psyched about tomorrow
[15:41] mcb_smith: me too
[15:41] Kat: what movie are you watching then??
[15:41] mcb_smith: he dropped the 40 yr old
[15:41] mcb_smith: tomorrow is sunday
[15:41] mcb_smith: picnic day
[15:41] mcb_smith: durf
[15:42] Kat: oh
[15:42] mcb_smith: 40 yr old got mad
[15:43] Kat: because she was dropped?
[15:43] mcb_smith: yes
[15:43] mcb_smith: and when he fucks up, she looks bad
[15:43] mcb_smith: and this is her career on the line, assmonkey!
[15:44] Kat: um, p sure people will know it's not her fault if she got dropped
[15:44] mcb_smith: peter gallagher's eyebrows aaaaaaaagh
[15:44] mcb_smith: he told the ballerhino to fuck the 40 yr old because her daddy has $
[15:44] Kat: ugh
[15:44] mcb_smith: or maybe his eyebrows said that
[15:44] mcb_smith: I'm never sure
[15:45] mcb_smith: this is the ballerhino's audition with the 40b yr old for some ballet
[15:45] mcb_smith: she invited him to her father's function
[15:46] mcb_smith: she's trying to sedouche him
[15:46] Kat: duh
[15:46] mcb_smith: oh no
[15:47] mcb_smith: hip hop stripper is helping cater the father's function where ballerhino and 40 yr old are there together
[15:47] mcb_smith: she smells trouble
[15:47] mcb_smith: she is trouble
[15:48] Kat: oh good
[15:49] mcb_smith: strip hop is going to drop the hors d'oevres
[15:49] Kat: uh oh
[15:49] mcb_smith: 40 yr old kissed him
[15:50] mcb_smith: and there go the champagne glasses
[15:50] Kat: doh
[15:50] Kat: "how could you leave the haagen dazs out??"
[15:50] mcb_smith: word
[15:50] mcb_smith: "ssave it, tommy!"
[15:51] Kat: my roommate also wants me to make her a slouchy beret
[15:51] mcb_smith: she's beating up everyone aat the bar where she works
[15:52] mcb_smith: oh noes
[15:52] mcb_smith: cooper neilson is there
[15:52] mcb_smith: he's the best dancer in the whole world
[15:52] Kat: but I feel homegirl doesn't understand, you know, money
[15:52] mcb_smith: he's going to attempted rape her!
[15:52] Kat: that's a good thing?
[15:52] mcb_smith: it's exciting
[15:52] mcb_smith: this movie is boring me
[15:52] Kat: you don't say
[15:53] mcb_smith: PLEASE JUST RAPE HER
[15:53] mcb_smith: or dance with her
[15:53] mcb_smith: whatev
[15:53] Kat: I have an important question
[15:53] mcb_smith: ok
[15:54] mcb_smith: OH NOES
[15:54] mcb_smith: ballerhino saw her dancing all up on cooper neilson
[15:54] mcb_smith: his ballet teacher
[15:54] mcb_smith: what's up
[15:54] Kat: oh noes!
[15:55] mcb_smith: uh oh
[15:55] mcb_smith: punch coming on
[15:55] mcb_smith: 'oh
[15:55] mcb_smith: he didn't punch anyone
[15:56] Kat: doh
[15:56] Kat: did he drop glasses?
[15:56] mcb_smith: he wasn't carrying any
[15:56] mcb_smith: she's leaving with cooper neilson
[15:56] mcb_smith: get on my bike babycakes
[15:57] mcb_smith: she said no
[15:57] mcb_smith: she has a crisis of conscience
[15:57] mcb_smith: I need some fucking rape in this movie
[15:57] mcb_smith: oh
[15:57] mcb_smith: she's running and crying
[15:57] mcb_smith: she might get hit by a cab
[15:57] Kat: aww
[15:57] Kat: or tripped by a homeless guy and then raped
[15:57] mcb_smith: she's tearing up her application
[15:57] mcb_smith: I'm confused
[15:58] Kat: because once a boy kisses someone else you want a different career, duh
[15:59] mcb_smith: oh noes
[16:00] mcb_smith: strip hops little sister showed up at the academy
[16:00] mcb_smith: because she lied and said she got in when she did not
[16:00] Kat: doh
[16:00] mcb_smith: she's in her huge, luxuriious apartment eating haagen dazs and watching ballet videos
[16:00] Kat: haha
[16:02] mcb_smith: uh oh
[16:02] mcb_smith: she told her boss at the bar she's going home to detroit tomorrow
[16:02] mcb_smith: and he had to be the one to tell her
[16:02] mcb_smith: detroit isn't there anymore
[16:02] Kat: hahaha
[16:04] mcb_smith: she apparently has a month to month lease too
[16:04] mcb_smith: tommy gave the sister a flyer for a ballet audition
[16:05] mcb_smith: she is trying to convince strip hop to go
[16:05] Kat: oh teh suspense
[16:05] mcb_smith: her sister needs a brow job yo
[16:05] Kat: haha
[16:05] mcb_smith: but her sister believes in her!
[16:05] Kat: works much better in text
[16:05] mcb_smith: and tommy believes in her!
[16:05] mcb_smith: the bright spot here is
[16:06] mcb_smith: you now never have to see this movie
[16:06] mcb_smith: she is going to the audition!
[16:06] mcb_smith: she is going to fail again!
[16:06] mcb_smith: and then get raped
[16:06] mcb_smith: and her little sister too maybe
[16:06] Kat: I hate to break it to you, but I hadn't been planning on seeing it regardless
[16:06] mcb_smith: liar
[16:07] Kat: but I do want to get raepd in a bathroom or closet or something during a ballet audition
[16:07] mcb_smith: you can apparently take children to auditions with you
[16:07] mcb_smith: in the world of professional ballet
[16:07] mcb_smith: they can sit in the audience
[16:07] mcb_smith: and watch
[16:07] mcb_smith: hello hot jewish ballerino
[16:08] mcb_smith: the judges are whispering
[16:08] mcb_smith: she stepped forward
[16:08] mcb_smith: she got a call back!
[16:09] mcb_smith: okay this is the call back
[16:09] mcb_smith: 40 yr old is in the call back too!
[16:09] Kat: oh boy I wonder who makes it
[16:09] mcb_smith: I don't know!
[16:10] mcb_smith: 40 yr old is pisssed
[16:10] mcb_smith: they're missing her resume
[16:10] mcb_smith: she doesn't have one
[16:10] mcb_smith: strip hop not 40 yr old
[16:11] mcb_smith: they called her admirable
[16:11] mcb_smith: maybe they get cast together and become BFF
[16:12] mcb_smith: or lesbians
[16:12] mcb_smith: uh ohz
[16:12] mcb_smith: tommy is supposed to dance with 40 yr old
[16:13] mcb_smith: bbut he is dancing with strip hop instead
[16:13] mcb_smith: he disobeyed the directions totally but he is going to show fire and passion so it's ok
[16:13] mcb_smith: 40 yr old is crying
[16:13] mcb_smith: it makes her crow's feet glisten
[16:14] mcb_smith: cut to opening night
[16:14] mcb_smith: I wonder who made it
[16:14] mcb_smith: it's tommy and strip hot
[16:14] mcb_smith: and 40 yr olod!
[16:14] mcb_smith: as an ugly step sister
[16:15] mcb_smith: ouch
[16:15] mcb_smith: bbt really
[16:15] Kat: haha
[16:15] mcb_smith: she lives down in fuggle rock
[16:15] Kat: 40yo?
[16:15] mcb_smith: word
[16:15] Kat: oh
[16:15] mcb_smith: se's FORTY
[16:16] mcb_smith: lesson
[16:16] mcb_smith: you always dance better with someone you're fuckin'
[16:16] Kat: if you're old you're worthless?
[16:16] mcb_smith: it's a hip hop ballet, it turns out
[16:16] Kat: oh, that too
[16:16] mcb_smith: she's playing a teenager
[16:16] mcb_smith: so that can't be the moral
[16:16] Kat: oh
[16:16] mcb_smith: KEEP UP FOR FUCKS SAKE
[16:16] Kat: jeez
[16:17] mcb_smith: 40 yr old comes over and says nice things
[16:17] mcb_smith: I am disappointed in this movie
[16:17] mcb_smith: can you guess why?
[16:17] Kat: I had a dream where Ben ate a mouse because he thought it would help him get swole
[16:17] Kat: no raep?
[16:17] mcb_smith: yus
[16:18] mcb_smith: wait
[16:18] mcb_smith: it just redeemed itself
[16:18] mcb_smith: Peter Gallagher's eyebrows raped everyone in the room
[16:18] Kat: that's a given
[16:18] mcb_smith: word
[16:18] mcb_smith: FIN