May 04, 2006 19:23
Good news!
You know my silly speeding ticket that I got back Feb. 28? For going 38 in the 25 zone right by Morris St.?
Well, I went to court for that today, they called me up, I pleaded not guilty so that I would get to talk to the prosecutor lady, and tell her my speedometer was off, I was rushing to pick up my sister and pick up her girl scouts cookies, blahblah.
Anyways, the prosecutor lady was nice, and changed it from a speeding ticket to a malfunctioning speedometer ticket, which is basically like a a $78.80 parking ticket.
In essence: the insurance company will not be called and my rates will not go up.
Which is good, b/c I still don't have a jayohbee.
Uh, interviewing tomorrow, babysitting Saturday.
If I get the job it is quite possible Sara G-moll will be training me, that would be pretty sweet.
Oh yeah, and we went to the bank so I could take out the ticket money to get that over, and we finally got around to switching my account over to me. So, I can take money out without parental permission, like any other good 18year old.
And Chris comes home tomorrow! I probably won't get to see him, but that's still exciting.
Totally just kindof skipped out on Volunteer period today, I got back to school halfway through it, and decided food was more important than photocopies and clean science lab equipment.
In acuality, my weekend will probably be super boring, as my life has been for the past weekish, but I like talking things up.
&we still can't just behave ourselves, even to save our own lives, we are a brutal kind