It Finally Happened

Aug 16, 2005 15:22

So my heart got officially broken AGAIN on Sunday night

Although I suppose It already was, I was getting treated like crap, Not even given 5 min of phone conversayion when I had a bad day, not being acknowledged as being his girl

Everyone Probably thought it was already over between us a while ago, but for the Record IT WASN'T Not till day before yesterday

So basically be I hate explaining these things more than once here are the highlights ........... and I don't feel like explaining it anymore than this
~I FOund out ahead of time from some of my roomies
~I Cried, then I decided I was ok, then I wasn't ok and cried again
~Got to K-Zoo he proceeded to act standoffish and I told him I knew what he was going to do.
~We went for a walk ........... Where I broke down sobbing numerous times (if I ever stopped)
~I asked why, his response was he had too much going on to have a girlfriend .......... and that just wasn't "the one" for him. That was a smack in the face.
~We talked and I cried for a good part of the night.
~Next Morning: I cried Jenny Cuddled w/ me before hse had to go to her interview
~I got mad ripped up a picture I had drawn him and put the pictures of us he had away.
~THen I started crying hysterically again
~He got upset that I was upset, threw something, punched the wall, punched through a glass window and started bleeding all over.
~Needless to say I stopped crying and cleaned up the glass and blood.
~We hung out the rest of the Day, He's still my best friend and he's going to stay that way.
~We've decided that U of M football games will be watched together every saturday no matter what .......... If he goes back on this one thing .............. I'll freak out.
~TOday I sent him a new picture to replace the one I ripped up.
~I Love him but I wasn't gettin treated like I deserve to be so perhaps this is for the best. Even though I was happy maybe I was just blind.
~I guess now I'm just left with a feeling of rejection, a lesson in not tearing up peoples favorite pictures, and a little less trust in people than I had before.

Oh man I already miss being in his arms, and hearing him say "I Love You, Everythings going to be alright" I took for granted how much comfort that gave me until just now when I want it the most.

ON an EXCELLENT note ................... I got the JOb as Office Assistant at Merrill Lunch in Portage. THey handed it to me basically as soon as I went in for an interview, said I was exactly what I was looking for
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