Okay not to spam but I just wanted to document this twitter exchange for posterity, the lulz and just in case I want to use the bunny :P
bliumchik: I just found a random .doc w/ a SPN RPS PWP intro in it. Did I write this? I do not remember writing this. WTF.
it's porny, too, although it stops before rly getting into it. I DO NOT WRITE PORN. Yet I recognise my turns of phrase
It's like elves came in the night and wrote me J2 :P
jk_rockin: oh, you draw the line at porn?
bliumchik: no I just can't do it! I blush and flail my arms. Which presents a unique block to my finishing this & is probably why I didn't.
it ends on 'When he’s naked, he quirks an eyebrow and says “Well? What are you gonna do with me now you’ve got me?”'
and I am like yeah... what ARE you going to do with him? I HAVE NO IDEA.
jk_rockin: all I can hear in my head is 4chan bellowing "STICK IT IN"
bliumchik: ROFL I am imagining them as cheerleaders that materialise in your bedroom pompoms and all.
fishmouse: They help him find his 'pep' but bursting out of hiding spots in his room and yell 'stick it in' before jumping around cheering?
jk_rockin: do not imagine 4chan materialising in my bedroom I cannot handle that.
bliumchik: oh my god I rly want that to be a scene in an american teen movie about a gay footballer and his cheerleader beard
she's like LOOK CAN WE HAVE SEX ALREADY and he is like AUGH PUSSY and they're in the bed, and he's like *sweatdrop*
& then he has this mental image of all her cheerleading buddies he had to watch forever as a supportive boyfriend...
doing a little cheerleading routine and chanting STICK IT IN! STICK IT IN! and then he is like AUGH HALP and runs away
this would also make a hilarious Pwentz AU :P
somehow this has also resulted in
mishka_jayne drawing pictures of Brendon Urie as a footballer and also as a cheerleader. I love twitter.