My social life has such poor timing. I had two weeks of holidays in which literally nothing happened, I practically never left the house, and now that I'm coming into final essay zone I have two weekends in a row of drunken antics. Whyyy. Not that I would pass up the drunken antics, especially since the alternative was not so much doing my assignments as sitting at my computer and failing to start my assignments. Which is, uh. What I'm doing now.
Anyway! Last Saturday was Jess's Super Secret Birthday Surprise which Stan planned. This involved many msn conversations with me that went sort of like this (paraphrased):
Stan: I want to do something creative. What do you think about midnight picnics? With barbecue!
Me: winter?
Stan: There can be tents!
Me: Where is the barbecue in this scenario? Also, where are you getting the tents on one week's notice?
Stan: ...what do you think about wigs and masks?
Stan: Look! A cake-ordering website! Help me choose, they all look too delicious!
Me: They do. Ooh, Pavlovas! What does Jess like?
Stan: Chocolate.
Me: didn't see the problem with asking me for advice on that?
Stan: *handswavy* Judge them by their appearance.
Me: Mmm, metaphors. Dammit, now I'm hungry.
I found a black mask that is about eight years old, and somewhat problematic in terms of fitting my glasses over it. But I just managed! I forgot about the wig, though, and got a bright tinselly rainbow unceremoniously plonked onto my head on arrival. The
overall effect was very eighties disco (also pictured: Sam, Toly, Toly's Friend Mister Zebra, Some Random). Other wigs doing the rounds included one that looked bizarrely identical to Jess's long curly black hair, to the point where she put it on and people didn't notice, a couple of giant afros, Liza's extreme blonde-ness of doom, and a short dirty blonde wig that suited me in a really weird way sort of reminiscent of a chain-smoking hippy English teacher.
Alcohol was had. I forgot that I hadn't eaten much that day and downed half a glass of my regular vodka-and-something-orange concoction before the pizza had even arrived, which was an interesting experience. I can now safely say that I have indeed been "blind drunk" or something close to it, because I couldn't quite focus my eyes. And after all that, we forgot the cake until Jess had already gone home.
Yet more drunken revelry (well, revelry is perhaps a stretch with only three people involved... merriment?) occurred last night at Nicky's "My parents are away for a month and BY GOD I WILL HAVE DRUNKEN ANTICS WHILE I CAN" sleepover. Nicky stuck a chook in the oven and waved her cocktail recipe books around excitedly, before carting in about a zillion bottles of spirits and liquers and things. We started with Tequila Sunrises, which were nice and have me reconsidering my vendetta against Tequila (still not doing shots ever, good god). Then we moved on to the Baileys and I nervously tried something listed as a Brain Hemorrhage. It was. Uh. Well, it looked like a brain hemorrhage. It tasted okay but the texture was sort of horrific so I didn't finish it. We couldn't make a lot of cool looking cocktails because we didn't have the right ingredients (although we managed an Illuminator by dint of squeezing the requisite lemon juice out of actual lemons from Nicky's actual lemon tree- fun!) and the two books both somehow managed to list Sex On The Beach without agreeing on a single ingredient, so I wouldn't recommend ordering one of those in a bar because who knows what you'd get! Also, gin and tonic - overrated. I'm really not a fan of fizzy drinks and this drink consists entirely of gin and fizz.
After dinner we went and watched Top Gear and messed around with Nicky's EyeToy. In case anyone has not experienced the joy of motion sensor games, the goal is to flail more than your competition and thus win a race/avoid being water-ballooned/lure a little cat to your teletubby. Yes, I was confused too. Drunk or not, there is something counterintuitive about windmilling your arms in order to make a little bobble-headed thing run around and/or clean windows, and my arms and shoulders hurt like hell this morning because they don't normally get THAT much exercise.
Then we watched Labyrinth (conclusion: needs moar gin.) and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which was as awesome as ever. The scary thing is that by the end of the night David Bowie's music was really growing on me! This morning we all had "dance magic dance" stuck in our heads. Maybe it's because now instead of being some random eighties disco music it's associated with the complete acid trip that is Labyrinth. Munchkins cowering before David Bowie's package! (It has its own fansite - go on, google it. You know you want to.) Babies crawling around Escher paintings! Fetus ants on sticks menacing the freaky love child of Chewbacca and the Cookie Monster who is Brother To The Rocks (he can make them roll uphill by asking bellowing nicely.), not to mention a refugee from a nuclear incident on Madagascar and a whiny teenage girl decapitating Bowie's mutant flamingo-monkey minions. That shit is gold!
Now I kind of want Bowie macros. IM IN UR TROUSURS, POINTING WEST. *cough*