My god I haven't updated in a long time! I blame my first year of college. During which I got a new laptop with an ultra squeaky clean new graphics card and things! Which leads to this:
Evidently my old laptop monitor was REALLY bright. As a result, I didn't put enough windows or outdoor lights into the legacy house. So much of the next few updates are going to be... unfortunately dark. :( Hopefully they're not horribly difficult to see, though!
With that being said, let us continue~ You may want to check out the
first two updates as a refresher! :) Because there's way too much for me to list here. :P
We begin our update with UNBRIDLED VICTORY. The triplets are all growing up and Gabrielle is the first of the three.
And my god. DEM GENES! Gurrrl, if it weren't for those creeper eyes you might just be the prettiest child to grace my game. But you aren't. So.
Gabrielle: "This cake. I am commandeering this cake."
Such a fast un-braider of hair. o3o
Gabrielle: "Ausghodnsgljng" *rage interlude*
She's NICE?! I never would have guessed.
And almost immediately after, she runs off to the chess set. I have nerdy hopes for this child.
Second to age is Enna. Thank goodness that nose of hers will finally be fixed.
Enna: "I am skeptical of my looks."
As am I, Enna. As am I.
She turned out to be a bit of an oddball genes-wise, but I think she might grow into her features. IN TIME, MY YOUNG SPARROW~ Those cheekbones though, damn. What are you, Benedict Cumberbatch or something?
And last to grow is India, having essentially pissed herself in the process. Also, trololo it is way past their bedtime.
All I got was this picture of India derping to show how pretty she grew to be because I'm a stupid person. *throws up hands*
Realizing that there was essentially nowhere for the kids to sleep, Allie and Cameron ingeniously piled some beds together in Allie's old bedroom because that's what good parents do.
Side note: I love Enna's game-assigned pajamas. They're oddly suited to her. Now would also be a good time to mention that I'm obsessed with Sims jump roping. It is my cocaine.
Then an entire day passed and nothing happened until the kids came home from school, so here are some better pictures of them than my terrible previous attempts.
Gabrielle still kills me. She's perfect.
So this alien-eyed kid came by and I thought hey, why not get the girls some friends to play with? So I invited him round. Little did I know it would be THE GIANTEST MISTAKE.
Of course it wasn't entirely self-induced.
Cameron: "WOAH WOAH KID I only touch my own children."
Alien-eyed kid: *all dreams of having a father figure shatter*
Cameron offered up a game of catch as a way to ease the pain.
But of course alien-eyed kid tried to pitch it onto the roof in that which would become the shortest and most frustrating game of catch Cameron ever played.
In founder news, Allie came home and they were slightly less broke. She doesn't have much going on right now.
Alien-eyed Kid: "I daresay this is the most putrid grilled cheese I've ever laid eyes on. I shan't even touch it."
Enna: *calmly playing piano and not having any homicidal thoughts at all* WHO IS THE TRUE INTELLECTUAL HERE, YOU PICKY BASTARD
Alien-eyed kid: "Oh hey mister! Gosh, your grilled cheese just looks so good but I already ate before I got here! Anyways bye."
And thus alien-eyed kid was never seen again. I'm pretty sure Enna slipped him a death threat when I wasn't looking.
The true beauty of this picture is that Allie literally knows nothing about ballet. She pretty much just derps around until it becomes sad and I make her stop.
Cameron: "Oh, dear, maybe you can help us here, Enna has a history question-"
Cameron's friend: *be's inconspicuous*
Allie gets enough of this school stuff at work, although she is rather good at handling it.
Cameron: "Hey babe... so about that history question."
Allie: IamnotawakeIamsleeping
A completely pointless picture of India, but good god she looks like a little porcelain doll and I cannot take it. *squishes cheeks together*
Gabrielle: "I got a C-. I don't get it, you said I was perfect."
In everything but work ethic, yes.
Enna: *still waiting for her compliment*
Young sparrow, etc.
Gabrielle could learn a few things from her father. He's already hit top of the culinary career and now has the ability to walk around looking extremely badass. YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BECOME?!
This elf girl showed up looking very dejected that no one was paying attention to her. Disregarding the alien-eyed kid incident, I decided to give befriending another go and sent Gabrielle out to greet her.
Elf girl: "Lolnope, fuq y'all."
Blind Shimmycocopuffsss makes another appearance and is just generally cool as hell.
Enna: "OH THANK GOD YOU BROUGHT US PIZZA Mom has been starving us don't tell her I told you."
Enna: "Seriously she is pregnant and ferocious."
And so she was! But that didn't stop her from trying to impress blind Shimmy in hopes of landing a collab video.
Allie: "BAM! Is your mind not blown?"
Blind Shimmy: "I told you already, I don't have a YouTube account. Please leave me alone."
Allie: "Psh, what does he know, I will become the greatest YouTuber who's ever lived with my AWESOME BOOKCASE OF AWESOME KNOWLEDGE."
Allie is getting up there in her career.
India: "I got an A+ already and it's only been like two days!"
Damn girl, most excellent.
...Good job, Enna.
Enna: "Thank you."
Enna: "I will now overwater this garden in a very angry fashion."
*sigh* She takes after her father. :')
Since both parents went off to work, I was forced to hire the most risque babysitter to ever be. THERE IS TOO MUCH HEAT GOING ON IN THIS KITCHEN.
And of course she was completely and utterly useless.
Enna: "Mom help us, the babysitter won't do shit."
Babysitter: "Trololo, your kids can take care of themselves, I'm training to become an Olympic chess athlete~"
Allie: *is suddenly showing* "If this bitch keeps eating my pizza and doesn't leave soon I will slap her so hard." *twitch*
Gabrielle: "Hello CVS, do you have hormone pills please?"
Babysitter: "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how delicious this pizza is."
But she was eventually kicked out and the family went back to being cute again. Specifically Enna.
Enna: "Oh my god you're showing, Mom! Hello in there."
Enna: "I hereby christen you my favourite sibling. You'd better be worth it."
I have to admit, Enna is so damn quirky I just can't help but like her. And I find her pretty in an unconventional way.
Your attempts are grammar are admirable, Eaxis.
And now I have made it HILARIOUS.
...N-no one? Just me? Okay.
As this is my first time playing with Seasons, I'm amazed at how healthy and nice their tiny garden is. Because as it turns out, after this, all of the other trees I ever plant all fall to shit.
The success of the plants may be due to their very diligent gardener, of course, regardless of how unnecessarily angry he may be.
Cameron: "Drink up or I'll kill you. :D"
Their gardener who I can not stop watching brush his teeth. o3o I have a problem.
Cameron: "Buahaha, I am the handsomest vampire."
Cameron: "Just look at these fangs."
Added picture for effect just to prove that Cameron isn't as manly as he tries to be.
Cameron: "Why do I feel... a presence. owo"
Perhaps it's because of those demonic possessive ducks.
Or perhaps it is because a creeper this way comes... oh for god's sake.
Guess who's back! Our old friend Mr. Robber who absolutely insists on being included in every. single. legacy update.
India: "Hocrap who is this what are you doing in our house."
India: "Oh, you look like Dad, you must be a relative." *thinks nothing of it*
Enna: "Move sis, I am not missing this for the WORLD."
Robber: "Oh hey. Sorry, but I really can't let you in."
Officer: "No matter, I'll simply
Robber: "Woah, not quite what I was expecting but I will TAKE IT. Mrow."
Meanwhile, Gabrielle just now wakes up like the slowest turtle and trundles over.
Enna: "This is amazing. Seriously guys come look at this, there's blood everywhere."
Gabrielle: "Moooom, you're ruining the virtual experience."
In a very painful finale, the robber is again vanquished.
Robber: "Waaah, she hit me and it hurt."
Allie: *no sympathy*
India: *nomming on pizza and couldn't give less of a fuck if she tried*
Robber: "Hold me."
Allie: "Hey, how about you don't come near my kids ever again. :)"
Allie: "See you in hell, asshole. :D"
Robber: "No one will ever love me. :C"
India: "I can't believe Dad's relative would try to break into our house. That's pretty lame."
India: "But at least I met my uncle!"
Oh god.
Enna: "I'm watching a guy move his butt for purely artistic reasons, it's not softcore I swear."
ENNA, Jesus H. turn that off.
Don't be fooled, Allie's still pregnant here. She just decided she was ~too good~ for her pregnancy-wear and pretty much bound her stomach so she could fit into her old clothes. This child. Will be the flattest child.
But the point is, she was too damn cute playing in the leaves for me NOT to take pictures.
India: "Woah woah! Be careful here, there's lava!"
India: "Wait what am I saying, I am a fierce dragon I eat lava like pancakes and shit rocks of steel."
India: "But it's so hoooooot."
When you see it...
Papergirl: *leers from afar*
I pestered Allie enough that she got out of her gut-sucking clothes and actually did productive things, like taking over cooking duties in fear of her husband blowing the house up again.
I think she may have drugged him.
India: "What are these?! Two giant meteors hurtling towards earth?!
India: "No worries, I'll just dodge them. WAPOW~"
India spends almost all of her time on this bar.
Where has Gabrielle been this entire update? Why, playing by herself like a lone beaver. whydoIkeepcomparinghertoanimals
India: "Woah, what a weirdo. Playing games by herself. I would never do something like that."
India's horrible taste in clothes: *agrees*
So at this point I tried to drop the "Serve" command from Allie's queue thinking she would put the omelettes on the ground.
She didn't.
She shoved them up her vagina. She literally put the plate somewhere around her crotch area and the omelettes disappeared forever. I looked around to see if they had glitched off to some other part of the house but they were never found.
Allie: "What."
You know what you did!
Allie: "Hey babe, I'm on hold, gimme a kiss real quick."
Cameron: "Hell no, I'm eating omelettes woman."
Which begs the question: where did this omelette come from?
...Oh god. D:
The tree had its first harvest and Allie was chosen to take care of the job.
Allie: "I know your secrets, you delicious round fruit, you cannot hide from my roving eye."
Allie: "W...where did all the oranges go? :C"
It'll do her good, at least. Maybe the fresh air will help the baby recover from being viciously squished the other day.
Cameron: "Oh hey, just being ridiculously fresh in my sporty carpool." *snaps wrist*
Extraneous pictures of Enna. Because she's my favourite and that is what a good doting mother does. *clutches her disposable camera*
N-no, no that is not okay. D: What in god's name is a grown man, never mind a burglar, doing on a school bus full of small children?
India: *smugly playing piano*
Enna: "This... is my territory."
Allie: "WOAH! DUDE!"
Allie: "That is an awesome pterodactyl. How have I never noticed that before?"
Allie: "Oh also I'm extra pregnant."
Extra pregnant? What could EXTRA pregnant mean? Whatever it is, you'll have to figure it out next update otherwise this thing will go on way too long and none of us want that.
- Birthings!
- Killer bees!
- India never getting off the goddamn ballet bar ever!