Giant edit because yet again I've been a stupid idiot. I blame lack of sleep. Sorry to those who read it if it came across as mean. :c
I've been needing to crosspost videos for a while since this journal is open to the public aka also my dancer friends. But for right now, I just wanted to set the mood with some totally opposing music styles. xD Why
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Umm, i don't think this is fair, to be honest. I can't tell the difference and i am pretty sure most people that are not Asian or into Asian stuffs, like you, can't.
I don't think there's anything to feel humiliated about, whoever it was that wrote that, it's an honest mistake. Just like i don't think there was anything you had to feel bad about the other day.
It's like me making fun of someone that saw Bulgarian language and thought it was Macedonian. Why would i make fun of them? I can tell the difference, but that definitely doesn't mean that the whole world can or should be able to. There are SO many languages around the world, it's hard to be able to recognize them all, especially when you don't encounter the cultures on a daily basis.
I personally would've said "some Asian language", but i can definitely understand how one would be confused and i don't think it's fair to be so mean about it. I call it as i see it.
Looking back, you're right. This was pretty stupid of me to post. I just get so used to seeing the difference that it seems obvious to me now. I really shouldn't write posts late at night. I certainly wasn't trying to be mean, though, sorry if it came across that way. :[
Geez, I really can't keep my mouth shut lately, can I? I think it's time I avoided the internet for a while. And edited this post.
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