I Ain't Even Mad

Jun 18, 2011 14:56

 So I was catching up on Simsecrets from last week (don't remember what caused me to miss them but I did) when I came across Secret #24.

Lol OP, y u so mad? Don't yell at me, I can tell Asians apart just as easily as I can tell white people apart. This is what happens when you're into East Asian music and are learning one of the languages. :P

Here, have a non-slanty-eyed Asian to calm yourself. I was meaning to post some pictures of her anyways so now I have an excuse! ^-^ Thanks OP. OωOb Apologies right now for tons of different picture heights, though. I enjoy cropping.

This is Hea Jung Seong, Hea Jung being her first name, and her entire name (family and first) being Westernized, as she is Korean-American. I still haven't decided what other ethnicity she is, so we'll leave it at that. The backstory I have in my head is that her father moved from South Korea to marry an American woman, and they agreed to give their child a traditional Korean name. I made her randomly in CAS when I was supposed to just be rolling the dice for my legacy house (you see? I have been playing!) and I thought she was too cute to leave behind. So I moved her into a little house down by the docks. I wanted to put some cute Seungri-type bags under her eyes but unfortunately I don't have any in my game. For whatever preposterous reason.

She makes all sorts of adorable faces, and although the "It's raining!" interaction gets tiring after a while, she still manages to make it look cute.

In her adventures she happened across this supposedly attractive particular fellow:

SAPF: "Hay gurl what up, you know I be nonchalantly sippin'."

Hea Jung: "What are you talking about, I'm not sitting here in a blatant attempt at stalking him."

"I mean why would you even think that - "

"He's looking at me, isn't he." *literally shits her pants*

After a bit of cleaning up, not bad! If he didn't have such a puke-tastic wardrobe he might actually be good-looking. But so pouty!

Then again, Hea Jung is pretty pouty most of the time too. MATCH  MADE IN HEAVEN?!

They acted skeezy for a bit and it was an all around good time, and then she went home to take a shower and make a sandwich.

And who should welcome her to the neighborhood but Cameron! By himself. No one else in the family gave enough of a crap.

This... this right here is a problem. Keep your hands off of my legacy spouse, woman! :C

And then I went to bed so that's all you get, haha. This was really just so I can get back into the feel of posting pictures and text so I can start up my legacy updates again. Also just because Hea Jung is really damn cute and I couldn't keep her to myself, not even gonna lie.

!sims 2

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