I'm currently trying to make over this house in Belladonna Cove. Anyone had any experience with it? It's a pretty big house, so it's taking me a while. The second generation of the Cleveland family is currently living comfortably in it. They're a pretty rich lot, so I've been giving them a lavish home life. By the way, this is my Maxis-matchy game on my laptop as opposed to my desktop. I have a huge update pertaining to the Clevelands, but I am terrible and haven't put it up yet. In due time, my friends. In due time.
The entire lot is decorated with furniture from the game. For such sparse amounts of usable content, I think I'm doing rather well. I absolutely REFUSE to let myself download anything but hair, and even then I'm strict. As in, I've been using Maxis clothes as well. The only things I've downloaded have been pre-order extras and Sims Store things. Willpower, I has it. And I must say, I'm enjoying the game much more than I did before with custom content bogging me down all over the place. I can actually play without the game lagging horribly. Granted, I do have Smooth Edges turned ALL the way down, but it's really not that distracting, and I find the game runs a hell of a lot smoother and faster without them turned up.
Just a couple more recent snapshots:
I like to call this one, "When You See It..."
This is Lucas Cleveland, Justin's son. He's adorable and I love him. He's got very thin eyes from his mother, an Asian townie. When he's not being cute, he's actually quite unf-able.
And that is all for now. Time to play some more and generally be not festive. I don't know why, but I haven't been much in the Christmas mood. :( Maybe once I decorate cookies tonight...