Okay So I Am A Bitch

Sep 10, 2010 23:21

 But I figure that was probably a well-known thing. Why exactly haven't I been around? Mostly school and boyfriend and painting my room, and furthermore, redecorating my room, and eating and sleeping and other whimsical fuckery. The funny thing is, I doubt anyone's noticed I've gone. I'm not exactly the biggest star in the community, and I've been pretty poor with updating regularly. Hopefully I haven't been totally forgotten?

I'd like to write more, but at the moment my brain is fried from watching a marathon of School Rumble on my lonesome while my dearest lover was slaving away in the kitchens a town over. Maybe I'll actually continue this tomorrow like I've been bugging myself to do. Then again, I might also film a project for Video Journalism with my friend instead. I do not know because I am a bad planner.

Toodles for now.

(Oh by the way my heart is kind of set on drawing a manga but I am a horrible artist. BABOOSH I AM SO not going to ever accomplish that dream.)


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