ACIDVAG!!! *cheers*
This beautiful creation was concocted from two very, very sick minds; Jacob's, and my own. Some of you may know Jake from Boolprop; ya know, adorable gay blonde kid who has sexual innuendos flying out his ass at all times. At any rate, in the midst of our nightly shenanigans we devised a superheroine with a very unique special power: her vagina secretes acid! AMAZING, I KNOW. She hops from town to town, in search of victims unaware of her... condition. And then, she pounces! Men think that the liquid gushing from her crotch is actually just because she's majorly hot and bothered, and so they are more than happy to oblige her - but then! Just as they've got it in, she says, "oh by the way..." and wraps her legs around him so that he can't get away. Suddenly, a massive burning sensation grips his penis and - alas! HIS DONG IS BEING FILLED WITH GIGANTIC ACID-INDUCED HOLES! OH NUUUUUU. *THEDICKDIESAHORRIBLETERRIBLEDEATH* So this guy is shrieking like a small child on steroids because... well, his swizzle stick's being licked BY THE FIERY TONGUE OF ACID. Eventually, either his penis is completely annihilated, or has a series of large, deep pockmarks enveloping it, depending on how particularly malicious she feels that day. AcidVag's only motive is just because she's a bitch. She carries a dildo everywhere she goes, not to fight crime, but because she will never have a man of her own. Because she has a steaming cauldron of burning liquid for a vagina, and in truth all guys care about is sex. She kind of reminds me of Bailey from
Questionable Content, except Bailey doesn't have a dildo or acid spilling out of her crotch, and AcidVag isn't a lesbian. It's really just the fact that they're both black and have afros. Hurr.
BEHOLD! It may scar your retinas for the rest of eternity:
If I manage to scan her in pieces and then put them all together, I might be able to get a better quality picture of her. Because I know you all want to print her out and hang her on your wall. *salivates*