All right guys, I fess up. I've been procrastinating.
I promised myself that I would fix those hairs that I thought I'd fixed, but upon further inspection... really had not. I guess I binned them wrong yet again. xD My fail, let me show you it. But yeah, I have been lazy and haven't gotten the fixed recolours up. I promise I'll get it done, almost certainly before I go away for a week over April vacation.
But then there's Midna. Oh Midna. The only thing keeping me from uploading her is finding a really suitable hairstyle for her, and getting her goddamn helmet to show up in-game. I haven't tried to do the whole thing over again since the last time I tried, which was a while ago. Again, laziness. I will get it done, in good time, but I can't guarantee I'll get that bit done before break.
And now I have a question to ask you all. I recently started a new 'hood, and the first person that I put in, I have to say, I have fallen madly in love with. She's just so unique and lovely. Her name is Gisela Valesquez de Mora; I already threw a picture of her into the Slut Machine thread at GoS. SO I ARE GONNA COPYPASTA BECAUSE I ARE A LAZY WHORE.
Gisela's name is a bit of a mouthful. She's a mix of many ethnicities, but mostly Hispanic, which was the culture that she grew up with. She's an absolute neat freak; any one little thing out of place will set her off. She does manage to leave a few books askew sometimes, though, as she loves nothing better than sitting on her front balcony all day filling her head with any words she can find.
I actually morphed her out of Kira's (
themindless ) self sim, IN CAS, BITCH. That is quite an accomplishment, my friends, to get a unique sim in CAS. Quite an accomplishment.
Okay so it is for me.
Anyways, I was cuuuuuuuuriusss if any of you might... possibly... want her? *hides*
I just love her to bits, and I think she's gorgeous. And she seriously has one of the most clean cut houses in my entire game, it's nearly spotless. No clutter in sight I kinda miss it.