american idol!

Aug 30, 2008 22:59

Divided into cuts for those who don't care about the whole thing! This is pretty detailed, so read at your own risk.

Where to begin? We got to the Sprint Center at around 5:30, which was the time I'd heard they'd be letting people in. Security almost confiscated my sign, but other than that we had no troubles. I bought an 8x10 of Jason and a tour booklet and headed to my seat with my mom. The seats were amazing. Mezzanine, first section from the stage. This meant I could reach out and touch any Idol that walked up the catwalk on the left side. After what seemed like forever, the show finally started.

I don't remember much about the first part of the show apart from Michael, Carly and Brooke's sets. Those girls were amazing, and Michael is too sexy for his own good. After a too-long intermission and the annoying host forcing two tiny kids to hold hands, I knew what was coming next. I started shaking. I didn't think it would affect me that much, but it did. I always laugh at the fans who cry, but I couldn't help it. Idolizing someone all this time and watching their videos on YouTube and following them, via internet, around the country is nothing at all like seeing them in person. I freaked. He did his thing beautifully, and I was happy.

I honestly wasn't paying much attention to Syesha. Archie came out next to receive what I mistakenly thought might be the loudest applause I'd ever hear. The kid was noticeably ill, but he fought through it and sounded amazing. He never quite caught his breath, though, and I was kind of worried about him by the end.

Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for: Cookie's homecoming. My ears were bleeding. It was insane. His set was amazing. I could see his family from where I was sitting, and the pride and joy on their faces was almost too much. Also the fact that he kept pulling up his pants (someone stole his belt in Oklahoma) and doing this adorable little hip-shake thing.

PDSTM came and went. No Mavid. I was kind of crushed, but it was okay. I knew I had the buses to look forward to!


Mom and I walked around the block quite a ways before we found the crowd. By that time, it was thick. I was standing right beside the gate that the Idols came out of. It was fun to chat up some of the people in the crowd. Everyone was so nice!

Kristy Lee came out first. This guy next to me was probably her biggest fan in the whole world. It was cute. She stayed out for a while and took pictures with everyone that wanted one. She was definitely prettier in person.

Next came Brooke, and I was really excited to see her. She is absolutely stunning. I handed her my book and heard screams of, "OMIGOD JASON CASTRO!" so I was trying to hurry. I grabbed my booklet, thanked her, and promptly switched my booklet for my "I ♥ Jason" sign I'd brought. He signed a few things for a few people and looked up to see my sign. He smiled (I don't think there were many Jason signs), said, "Heyyyy!" and signed it. He said something gibberish about an apostrophe(?), and I thanked him for signing it. I was barely breathing (he had his dreads tied up EXACTLY the way I like them, and I swear he's better looking in person), but I tried to hold it together. I handed the sign to my mom, and she said, "Aren't you gonna ask him to sign your shirt?" I waited until he was done signing something and said, "Jason?" He looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes, and I swear my heart melted straight through my chest. I don't even want to know what look was on my face.

Finally, someone took a picture of him, and he made an adorable "Wow, that was bright!" face at me, and I snapped out of it. I said sheepishly, "Could you maybe sign my shirt?" He said, "Sure!" and I cut through the line. Here is the best part. I was trying to move my hair off of my shoulder so he wouldn't have to touch it, and HE TOUCHED IT ANYWAY. He put his hands on my back and signed, all the while singing "Don't You Forget About Me" really softly. I giggled and said, "Thanks so much, Jason! I love you!" and he said, "Yep, you too." It was over, but I was so happy. The girls around me were all cracking up at the things coming out of my mouth afterwards. Archie came jogging by, and I managed to get his autograph before we left.

I heard rumors that David Cook came out late, but I don't know for sure.


We arrived at the Center around twelve thirty to find people already waiting, which didn't surprise me. We sat our things down, and I went to talk to a group of ladies in light blue down the block. They were so sweet and hooked me up with some cool stuff. I'm pretty sure I saw Flat Jason!

We ended up waiting until a little before three for them to come out, and it was incredibly hot. People were getting sick because no one wanted to give up their spot to get a bottle of water. One little girl vomited for about ten minutes. It was a little crazy.

Then, Kristy Lee came out and talked for a while. She was right in front of me when I heard more screaming from the gate, and she said, "I think the Davids are out." Everyone freaked, including this little girl that had been hanging around talking about David Archuleta all day. It was cute.

Cookie walked by, telling everyone he'd be back, and started at the far end. He was definitely taking his time and talking to everyone. He even picked one little boy up over the railing and held him up in the air with one arm so that the boy's mother could take a picture. It was funny. We all started to realize that it was almost four, though, and our chances of getting time with him was slim. He got word of what time it was and sped up quite a bit.

During this time, Archie and Papa came down the line. The little one with the Archie obsession got to talk to him and give him a hug. I thought she was going to die. I asked him to prom, but he never gave me a straight answer. Shady boy. Papa Archie was an ass to everyone. One girl said, "David, I've been waiting out here for six hours!" and P.A. replied, "Why would you wait out here for six hours?" with a terrible look on his face. I was surprised. Maybe he was having a bad day. David also seemed more uptight with his father around.

Anyway, Cookie was making his way down the line. He stopped taking pictures with people and started just signing. He got to me, and I said, "David, are you allowed to hug people still?" and he said, "Sure, hun." So I hugged him. He smelled good! Like a man. It was hot. I got some of his sweat on my cheek. I liked it. I thanked him and said, "You're amazing; Kansas City loves you!" He said, "Thank you guys so much. It's all on you." Then it was really done. We left.

To sum it up, I had the time of my life. Meeting Jason AND David? Insane. I'm sorry if this post rambles; I'm too tired right now to proofread. Night, all!
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