When was the LAST time you tithed? If so, how does contributing to a Houston, Tx-based radio station that contributes to missionaries, mission trips, & churches all over the world, as well as to a radio station in Nigeria,(including in Houston) sound?
It's Sharathon 2005! You can call in your pledge at 281-540-3900 or 1-800-285-KSBJ Our goals this year are $216,000 for our Monthly Operations and $1,000,000 for our Special Projects. Help us impact 1 Million lives in Houston over the next 12 months. Attention Sharathon Volunteers If you've already been assigned a shift, click here to access the Phone Volunteer training guide.
You can also pledge @ this address online:
http://www.ksbj.org/sharathonleadpage.cfm Come on, guys! Even a one-time pledge of $10 will do! Help support this awesome ministry!