Christmas Ficlets

Dec 06, 2009 17:18

Title: 3 Christmas Ficlets
Author: maggie2mw
Pairing/Characters: Kirk/Spock, Bones, Joanna and few OC next gen
Summary: Christmas with Family.
Rating: PG. Fluff. Implied Mpreg. Established Relationship.
Disclaimer: Can I say I own Mandy and little Jamie?
A/N: My first ever Trek fic, yay!
Word Count: 170 + 130 +125

Santa and Chocolate

“Dammit Mandy, I’m a Doctor -”

“Not a white beard big tummy Santa? I know Uncle Lenny, but you know the Children loved yours best. Besides, Father does not approve of Uncle Scotty handing out liquor centred chocolate to the young ones.”

Amanda, otherwise known as Mandy, gave a last tug at the red coat and straightened up to inspect her handwork. “Now let’s give this a go, Uncle Lenny, Ho ho ho.”

McCoy grumbled.

“Now Dad, don’t be grumpy, or I will tell that you saved this beard all last month just for today.” A fluffy hat was added to the head.

“You won’t dare Jo!” McCoy glared at his daughter, no longer a girl but a mature lady. Who had an even sharper glare to match her dad’s.

McCoy deflated, but still mumbled. “I still say Jim has better shape and attitude for this kind of merriment.”

“Oh no, remember three years ago? Dad spent the entire time trying to sneak chocolates into Father’s tea…”

Children's tantrums

“Child.” Spock paused the frantic scribbling pencil with two fingers, paying attention not be in contact with the little fist that was holding it. “Either fully commit to the work or cease altogether.”

Little Jamie scrunched up her already red cheeks. Just as she was about to cry, she was scooped up.

“Oh Sweetie, let Grandpa show you how to draw a big spaceship hmm?”

//Spock, she is only three. Three year olds are allowed their tantrums every so often.//

//She is also one eighth Vulcan.// Spock scowled at the little girl, who by now was totally involved with colouring the Enterprise into fluro pink.

//That leaves her with what? 88% human?// Jim’s amusement flowed easily through their bond.

//87.5%, I do see your argument.//

//Glad you agree with me.//

Growing old with you

A distinct smell drifted out of the kitchen. Spock paused for a fraction of a second to determine its source: the sponge cake. Just as he was about to stand up to investigate the situation…

“Cake!” Jim jumped up them promptly fell back down with a squeak.

“I know I know. I’m not as agile as before.” Jim waved at Spock’s direction while rubbing the now strained back, missing the small twitch of Spock’s lip.

“Allow me?” Spock stood with the grace of a Vulcan. Walking around to Jim, he placed his mate’s hand in his.

“Ah.” Jim sighed contently. Neither paid any attention to the frantic steps that rushed down the stairs through the lounge heading towards the Kitchen, nor the exasperated “Dad!”

star trek, fanfic, pairing: k/s, fandom: st xi

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