Oct 10, 2008 12:49
I have been thinking about how to handle one of the most abuseable knacks in the game. I think I may have an idea to give it the spirit of it's intent.
Knack: Epic Dexterity
Untouchable Opponent:
When ever you are trying to dodge attacks you can move with the grace of divine being that you are. When you are targeted by an attack and spend the Legend to increase you DV by half of you Athletic, instead Increase it by your full athletics (adding any Arete Dice) for that attack and the attack cannot be rerolled agaist you. You may make an immediate move action at half your movement.
This can mean a huge boon to those who are going to focus on Athletics, and the added bonus that even if the roll still hit, the opposition still cannot reroll the attack to try for a better attack. This can also be used to counter an opponent from trying to reroll a miss, showing how you have moved out of the way preventing the attack outright.