Originally published at
magependragon.co.za .
Thursday - 28 February 2013
I've never really been a morning person but since the major op, starting treatment and obviously cancer, mornings are starting even later and I feel very Garfield-ish. "I would like mornings better if they started later, like after noon."
Talked mainly about TV shows with my counsellor today. Sounds like an odd topic but it also makes sense in the grand scheme of my confused and battling mind. We touched on my frustrations with dad, issues with mom and my general spiral towards acting out brought on by mirtazapine. Apparently I'm very clued in to my own mental and physical state. Not sure if that's entirely a good thing.
I hate seeing new doctors and stand-in doctors are worse as they're only going to see you once but I needed my meds changed. Despite my fears this stand-in was fairly on the ball and agreed that the mirtazapine is wrecking my system and moved me back to seroqual. She agrees with my counsellor that I'm very aware of my state of being. Still not entirely convinced that is a good thing.
Lunch with @psychoMIME was at the Royale Eatery. I introduced him to my favourite burger and milkshake place. He approves of the burgers and the ice-cream like milkshakes. He let me read a story of his and we chatted a lot. It was really good to see him. This whole cancer business has brought us closer as friends. After lunch we visited the Cape Town branch of Outer Limits before dad fetched us to drop @psychoMIME where he was staying and drive me home.
I feel asleep in the car as we were stuck in traffic on the way out of town and had another deep nap before dinner with the folks. After dinner I watched some more TV. Black Mirror is still very interesting. The new show Zero Hour intrigues but I have a feeling there wont be a second season as the American audience wont really apreciate it.