Originally published at
magependragon.co.za .
Sunday - 13 January 2013
My sleeping pattern is slowly sliding out of pattern. I was up too late again last night with Scully and Mulder, although he is putting in less of an appearance these days. When I do wake I'm back on the couch to watch more. I should do something, something more than just lie on the couch, but I just don't have the energy.
Even going groceries shopping with mom tires me out and I have a wonky moment in the shop half-way through. We head to Stodels on our way home and I buy a new pot of cat grass for TamTams. All flat cats should have some to add roughage to their diet. Cats that can roam eat the grass around flowerbeds etc. TamTams loved the pot when I got it home and nearly dragged the pot into the middle of the lounge carpet.
I write-up one blog post and then head to visit @terridcCT. She's doing a lot better tonight and needing less pain meds too. She get's to go home tomorrow and is very much looking forward to it.
Some friends have asked why I insisted on visiting her every night and the answer is simple. When I was in hospital it was so desperately lonely, even if you were goofed out most of the time. Visiting hours with just your family quickly dissolve into awkward silence or equally awkward forced conversation. Friends make a welcome break and also give the family a break so they don't have to be there for both visiting hours. This is simply how I feel and why I visit if I'm able.
"O polished perturbation! golden care!
That keep'st the ports of slumber open wide
To many a watchful night." - Henry IV